はるお - haruo



ラジオ英会話 2020年 6月 復習 後半

Lesson51:「例示のフロー ④ そのほかの語句」

- Key Sentence -
To illustrate your points, you often used examples from your personal experience.
・Let me illustrate this point with some real-life examples.
・There's lots to do yet, like taking out the garbage.
・You should marry someone who would really take care of you, like me.

*「like」= 気楽な例示



1)My professor loves to illustrate his points with lots of examples.
2)I want to find someone like your wife.



Lesson52:「説明のフロー① 説明ルール」

- Key Sentence -
・He told me he loved me.
・I'm not sure what I should do.

・Do you need someone to give you a ride?
・That's the man who stole my bag!

*「説明ルール」= 説明は後ろに置く.英語は常に大切なことが先,説明は後ろに展開
* to不定詞, 動詞ing形, 関係詞節でも,やっていることは同じ。「説明」


-Grammar In Action -

1)My mom told me that I could go to the slumber party.(pajama party)
2)That's the teacher who coaches our soccer team.
* slumber = sleep


Lesson53:「説明のフロー② 単純な言いかえ 」

- Key Sentence -
・Those are called onigiri, or rice balls.
・I went to Ayers Rock, or Uluru, as it is also now officially called.
・Ms. Levine, the mother of the twins, called the police.
・I have a feeling that you're lying.

*「like」= 気楽な例示


-Grammar In Action -

1)Denali, or formerly Mt. McKinley, is a famous mountain in Alaska.
2)Magda, my yoga teacher, complimented me on my flexibility.



Lesson54:「説明のフロー② 複雑な言いかえ」

- Key Sentence -
In other words, you're going to be late!
・You are, in other words, saying that you think my proposal is unworkable.
・This is a restricted area; that is, you can't get in without a security pass.
・You can come to my office; that is, if you still need help.
・The President focused on a key issue; namely, the economy.

 *「In other words」= 文中にもおける.
*「that is (to say)」= 前の表現の詳細や例を伝え、明確に述べる意識.( i.e. とも表記
*「namely」= 直前に述べた内容を具体的な名称で表す


- Grammar In Action -

1)I'll get some tickets for the show; that is, if there are any left.
2)We have two outlets in Tokyo, namely in Shibuya and Ikebukuro.



Lesson56:「比較・対照① 2つの状況の類似性」
- Key Sentence -
・I doubled my quota in my first year as a rep. Similarly, you doubled yours last quarter.
・The two women were similarly dressed. (同じような恰好)
・Smoking is bad for your health. In the same way, drinking too much can damage your health.
Likewise, all our other branches are making budget cuts.
・You need to trust me. Equally, I need to trust you.

*「similarly」= 2つのモノや出来事を比較し,その類似性を述べる.
*「in the same way,likewise,
*「likewise」= フォーマル

- Grammar In Action -
2)あなたと仕事ができて,とても嬉しく思っています - 私も同じですよ

1)Our school has strict rules. Similarly, my parents have too.
2)It's been a real pleasure doing business with you. - Likewise(ditto).


Lesson57:「比較・対照② 一方は,他方は」
- Key Sentence -
・I live in a convenient part of the city. On the other hand, the rent is high.
On the one hand, I want to start my own business; on the other hand, I don't want extra responsibility.
・You're enjoying a nice vacation, while I'm still working 12 hours a day here.
In contrast to railways in other countries, Japanese trains are extremely punctual.
・I like taking risks, whereas my business partners prefer to play it safe.

*「on the other hand」= 2者を対照的に述べる.
*「while」= 二つの出来事が歯車のように同時に回っている
*「in contrast to」= 直接的.「whereas」= 古風.学術的.

- Grammar In Action -
1)コンタクトスポーツは刺激的だ。 一方それらには危険が伴っている。

1)Contact sports are exciting. On the other hand, they are risky.
2)My sister is outgoing, while I'm very shy.
*" contact sports " = 肉体的な接触を伴う競技

Lesson58:「比較・対照③ そのほか
- Key Sentence -
Compared to last year, this year's school festival was a huge success.
In comparison with most other countries, Japan is very safe.
・I thought our working conditions would improve, but, on the contrary, they're getting worse.
*「compare」= 最も基本的な比較.「compared to,compared with,in comparison with」
*「on the contrary」= 前言を強く否定.

- Grammar In Action -
2)クリスは全くケチじゃない。 それどころか彼はとても気前がいいんだ。

1)My golf skills are abysmal compared to Kaito's.
2)Chris is not stingy at all. On the contrary, he's very generous.
3)I thought his latest movie was rather boring in comparison with his others.
*「abysmal」= "abyss(どん底,地の底)" から由来.

Lesson59:「比較・対照④ ~ではなく・~の代わりに」
- Key Sentence -
・I decided to wear shorts instead of trousers.
・I don't feel like going bowling. Let's go to karaoke instead.
・I prefer to watch soccer games on the TV rather than at the stadium.

*「instead of」=「A ではなく」と 打ち消しの感覚を伴う
*「rather than」= 選択や好みを表す.打ち消しの感覚を伴う.

- Grammar In Action -

1)Can I have French fries instead of rice?
2)No problem. I'll catch a ride with Janet instead.
*「catch a ride with人」= ~車に乗せてもらう



- Words&Expression -

「absorbed in(夢中になっている)」
A)I think that makes the lecture much more interesting. Otherwise, the audience would fall asleep!
B)Ha-ha! Today, everyone was completely absorbed in your lecture.
A)That's good to hear. Now, how about some tea?


「No wonder(~してばっかり)」
A)You see, he told me he loved me.
B)What? Why is that a problem? And why are you telling me?
A)Well, I'm not sure what I should do. I'm not interested in him in that way.
b)No wonder he is always asking me questions about you.


「sales quota(販売ノルマ)」
A)You've equaled the record for exceeding the quarterly sales quota.
B)Really? I can't believe it. Who do I share it with?(誰と一緒?)
A)Actually, it's me! I doubled my quota in my first year as a rep.
*rep = representative


「a little down(元気がない)
A)Martin, is something wrong? You seem a little down.
B)Do I? Well, I've been thinking about a girl I met.


 「why don't you just(つべこべ言わずに,とりあえず)」
A)Did you exchange phone numbers?
B)Yes, but she hasn't called me yet.
A)Instead of waiting for her to call you, why don't you just text her?
B) I'll wait a bit longer.


「assertive(積極的に)← ポジティブな印象」
A)I'll wait a bit longer.
B)Come on! Be more assertive!
A)You always say that.