はるお - haruo



ラジオ英会話 2019年 1月 復習 前半「関係代名詞」


- Key Sentence -
・The guy you were talking to is my boyfriend.
・The guy making the coffee is kind of weird.(ちょっと変)




1)The guy Judy married comes from Australia.
2)The horror movie you’re watching is very scary.
*" marry " は他動型。" marry with " ではない!




- Key Sentence -
・The car I want to get is user-friendly.
・The vegetables I like to buy are all organic.

*先行詞と空所の組み合わせ修飾。ここでの空所は、get の目的語位置。


-Grammar In Action -
2) 僕のお母さんが作ったチョコレートケーキをひと切れ食べてごらんよ。

1)The underwater camera I really want to buy is too expensive.
2)Try a piece of the chocolate cake my mom made.



Lesson183:「関係代名詞 that ① that の感覚」

- Key Sentence -
・This is everything that I have.(関係)
・We just got the news that my brother is getting married.(同格)
・The teacher told me that I could do much better.(節)

*" that " は、聞き手の注意を離れたものに「導く」単語。このイメージから「つなぎ言葉」の使い方がある。「節を導く that」, 「同格の that」,「関係代名詞の that」とわざわざ用法で、分ける必要はない。


-Grammar In Action -

1)Look at all the presents that I got for my birthday!
2)Here are the books that you ordered.

* " present " is for a special occasion like a birthday or Christmas.
  " gift " can be used for any occasion, any time, you want to, literally, give someone something to show your appreciation



Lesson184:「関係代名詞 that ② 省略ができないケース」

- Key Sentence -
・The woman that lives next door is an English teacher.

  * " lives next door " の主語が空所。主語が空所のパターンには、注意が必要!→ 省略ができん。文の形を理解できないから。


- Grammar In Action -

1)The test question that was the most difficult was number 7.
2)The Turkish restaurant that just opened is fantastic.
3)So many women that have very promising careers quit their jobs after childbirth.

*" career " is actually much deeper than just saying work history. So career describes the course of your professional life from the beginning to the end.



Lesson186:「関係代名詞 who whoのがっちりした表現」
- Key Sentence -
・I know a girl who wants to become an astronaut.
*「wants の後ろ」が空所。" who " は後続する節の空所が「人」であることを指定

- Grammar In Action -

1)I met a French guy who wants to start a business in Japan.
2)My brother is the kind of person who loves to take risks.

 *「take risks」= Japanese language risks have negative connotation, but in English it definitely has the nuance of taking a chance, you don’t know if it will be good or bad, but taking that opportunity. " The person who risks nothing, does nothing, has nothing, is nothing and becomes nothing "


Lesson187:「関係代名詞 whse 所有格を結ぶ」
- Key Sentence -
・I have a friend whose father is a good lawyer.
・I apologized to the boy whose bicycle I damaged.

*whose は、「誰の・誰の物」を意味する wh語。" a friend whose father " = " a friend + his father" 。まず、" I have a frisnd " と言い切って whose で説明する。

- Grammar In Action -

1)That’s the neighbor whose dog always attacks me!
2)She’s the English teacher whose lessons we all love.

Lesson188:「関係代名詞 who・whom 目的語位置の空所」
- Key Sentence -
・That’s the man who I met on the bullet train.
*目的語位置に空所がある場合、" who , whom"の両方を選べる。" whom" は、フォーマルな文体を除き、殆ど見られない。(特に口語)

- Grammar In Action -

1)My parents can’t stand the guy I’m going out with!
2)Unfortunately, the person who they chose to be manager is not up to the job.
*「up to」= 色々な意味がある。「あるレベルに達すること」が根底にある。


- Key Sentence -
・These are the students that encouraged your daughter.
・These are the students that your daughter encouraged.

- Grammar In Action -

1)This is the doctor that treated me so expertly.
2)This is the patient that I treated so expertly.
3Shakespeare is a writer who has inspired so many people.

* brilliant = キラキラしたイメージ



- Words&Expression -

「Do you come here often(初対面によく使う
A)Hi, nice weather we’re having.
B)Huh? Oh, yeah, it’s not so cold today.
A)So, do you come here often?
B)Yeah, I come here almost every day.
A)Really? So do I. It’s funny that I never noticed you before such a beautiful young lady as yourself.
A)Well, enjoy your day. (別れの言葉)


「I know(そうだね)」
A)Look at all these new cars. Some of the designs are so futuristic-looking.
B)I know, but these are concept cars. The car I want to get is user-friendly. It can park itself.
A)Oh, that’s a feature that I need. I’m terrible at parallel parking.
B)I haven’t owned a car in over twenty years. I have been using public transportation all that time.

*" concept car " =デザイン的 or 機能的に近未来の自動車の姿を示す実験車ないしは試作車


「 here you go(はいどうぞ)」
A)Takeru, you got a lot of money from your relatives on New Year’s, didn’t you?
B)Compared to last year, it was about the same.
A)Really? Show me how much you’ve got. I want to save your money as usual, so you don’t waste it on silly things.
B)OK, here you go, Mom.


「What a coincidence!(偶然だね)」
A)Oh, you see the guy there? That’s the man who I met on the bullet train to Hiroshima.
B)What a coincidence! Did you talk with him?
A)Yes, I did. He was in the seat behind me, and I asked him if I could put my seat back.
B)That was very polite of you.


「be over the moon(大喜び)」
A)Congratulations, Mrs. Ikeda. Your daughter made an excellent speech, and she deserved to win the contest.
B)We’re all absolutely delighted, and Akane is over the moon! Thank you so much for all your help.