はるお - haruo



遠山顕の英会話楽習 2020年10月 前半


Showdown at the Office
Learning Words and Expressions Related to Interpersonal Conflicts at Work



Dialog1「A Wake-Up Call
1.A)Did you see the questionnaire Mr. Jinzai from HR sent us?
A)We need to discuss our answers and then follow up with him.
B)Are our jobs on the line?
    A)I think it's more of a wake-up call.
    B)Did you complain to Mr. Jinzai about me?
    B)What did you say about me?!

interpersonal conflictこじれた人間関係
wake-up call警鐘,(ホテルなどでの)モーニングコール
follow up with …に事後報告する
on the line危ういことになっている
it's more of:むしろ~である

- Apply It -
Are our jobs on the line?


on the line」という表現は、「線の上を歩く難しさ」というイメージと関係がある。「クビになるの?」とか「仕事を失うの?」とかズバリ言うのを避ける


Dialog2「Blame Game
1.A)I told Mr. Jinzai that you were uncooperative.
  B)You went behind my back and said that to him?
  A)Because we aren't meeting our targets!
  B)YOU're the one who is uncooperative!

  A)Look, let's try to be professional.
  B)You should practice what you preach!

  A)In all fairness, I said I was partly to blame, too.
  B)Yeah, yeah, yeah!

blame game非難合戦,責任のなすり合い
go behind A's back and do BAに内緒でBをする
practice what you preach口ばかりでなく手本を見せる

in all fairness公平を期して言えば/言わせてもらえば
X is to blame責任はXにある

- Apply It -
You should practice what you preach!






1.A)I never talk behind anyone's back. You betrayed my trust!
  B)Yeah. I was out of line. Sorry.
  A)Well, now what?
  B)Did you fill out the questionnaire?
  A)Not yet. What's the hurry?
  B)It's due today! Mr. Jinzai wants to see if we can work things out on our own!
  A)Okay! I'll get on it right away.

talk behind 's back…の陰口をたたく
be out of lineやり過ぎる,言いすぎる
Now what?どうするの?
X is due Y.Xの締め切りがYである

work  out~をうまくやる
get on ~にとりかかる


- Apply It -

I was out of line.


* 謝罪表現.「I did something improper. 」=非常に深刻な調子。「I was out of line.」=気持ちが伝わりやすい.



Dialog4「The Questionnaire
1.A)What took you?
  B)I got tied up on some important business matters.
  A)Oh. Let's get this over with.
  B)Okay, the first question is to name two positive traits about yourself.
  A)You go first.
  B)All right. I am congenial and a perfectionist. Your turn.
  A)I am reliable and conscientious.
  B)I don't disagree with that.
    A)Fair enough.

What took you?なにかあったの?「遅いのニュアンスを出さない」
get tied up on~で手が離せなくなる
business matter(仕事関連の)用件
get  over with~を片づける・片付けてしまう
positive trait長所
fair enough:それで十分・結構

- Apply It -
Let's get this over with.


*「get ... over with」 = 面倒な物事を片づける.