はるお - haruo



ラジオ英会話 2020年 7月 復習 前半


- Key Sentence -
・The main purpose of this chat is to discuss how to improve our students' level of English.
・Our number-one goal should be to boost their confidence.
・Our aim is to increase sales by 10% this quarter.

*「purpose + to」= 一連の発言の目標を明確にする「目標設定」
*「goal」= 最終的な目標.シリアスな響きが感じられる.
*「aim」= 達成したい内容に照準を定める感触.



1)The purpose of this presentation is to outline the unique benefits of our new product.
2)Our goal is to increase the use of renewable energy by 25%.
*R&D = research and development



Lesson62:「論点の配列① 「最初に・次に・最後に」の流れ」

- Key Sentence -
First, fry the chopped onion. Second, add the tomatoes, garlic and herbs. Lastly, add the al dense pasta to the sauce and mix everything together.
At first I was very nervous, but after a while I began to really enjoy my new job.
・You're here at last! We've been waiting for ages!

*「first of all」も使える
*「firstly,lastly」≠「at first,at last」.「at」= 点.


-Grammar In Action -

1)First, find out what your audience needs and wants to know.
2)Lastly, practice how you deliver the presentation.
*deliver = 自分の発表を相手に届ける



Lesson63:「論点の配列② 最後に」

- Key Sentence -
Finally, they reached the summit of Everest at 11:30 a.m.
Finally, I will open the floor to any questions about my presentation.
・We hope to extend our business throughout Asia eventually.
・I'm confident that our design will ultimately be accepted.

*「finally」= 「最後に・ついに」を意味する万能語.感情の高揚が感じられる.
*「Lastly」= 語順だけ. 
*「Eventually」= 様々な出来事を経て,その末にとその「過程」が意識.
*「ultimately」= 最終的な「状況」にフォーカスがある単語.


-Grammar In Action -

1)Finally, I'd like to thank you all for listening to my presentation.
2)Don't worry. Your presentation skills will eventually become as good as mine.



Lesson64:「論点の配列③ 次の話題」

- Key Sentence -
・First, I'll define what I mean by "success" and then give some examples.
・I was a bachelor then.
・I want to do this project my way. - Fine. Then do it yourself.
Next, let me talk about the history of our company.
・Now, let's move on to the main point of my presentation.

*「then」= 話題を次に移すための重要なマーカー.イメージは「視線を移す」.
*「next,move on to」= 話題を次に移す表現.


- Grammar In Action -

1)Then, I'll outline the key features of this product.
2)First, I'll introduce myself and then introduce my company.



Lesson66:「論点の配列④ 時の副詞を論点配列に使う」
- Key Sentence -
・Our company will soon be introducing two exciting new products.
As soon as I finish, I will be happy to take any questions.
Immediately after this section, let's take a short break.
・I'd like to digress for a moment with an interesting anecdote.
・I will give more concrete examples later.

*「immediately」= "as soon as" より「即座」の感じ.「it means there's nothing in the middle, shortwards, straight, without any break.」
*「for a moment, later」= 他の例

- Grammar In Action -

1)I'll be finishing soon, so please hold your questions for a few minutes longer.
2)I will give more details about our sales figures later.


- Key Sentence -
Before discussing the main topic, let me give you some background information.
・First, I'll introduce my company. After that, I'll give a detailed description of our latest product.

*「before, after」= 順序関係に力点の置かれた単語
*「after」= イメージは「ついて行く」

- Grammar In Action -

1)Before beginning the presentation, allow me to introduce myself.
2)After answering your questions, I'll make a few concluding remarks.

- Key Sentence -
Having said that, she is one of the most popular teachers at our school now.
・I'm not sure if my presentation was effective, but anyway, I did my best.
・In any case, the meeting will take place as planned.
By the way, I should mention that we have excellent after-sales service.
Talking of managing stress, let's have a short coffee break!
* プレゼンでは「つなぎ言葉」がとても大切.自分の発言だけが延々と続く場合、次の発言がそれまでの発言と「どういった関係」にあるのかを示す機会が激増するから.
*「having said that」= それでもやはり.自分のそれまでの発言を「清算して」本筋を述べる.
*「anyway,in any case」= 自分のそれまでの発言を「清算して」本筋を述べる.
*「by the way」= by(近く)の way(道)に入る。本筋から離れて「脇道」に移動.
*「speaking of, talking of 」= 本筋の話題を起点として「別の話題に転換」.

- Grammar In Action -

1)Having said that, I still thought her presentation was impressive overall.
2)Talking of time management, I should hurry and wrap up my presentation!

*「wrap up」= 風呂敷に全部荷物を積み込んで「おしまい」

- Key Sentence -
According to Plato, the story was passed down through the ages.
In my opinion, the legend is a memory from the distant past.
From my point of view, this product offers very good value for money.
As far as I know, we invest more in R&D than any other company in our field.

* 人前で話をする際、特に専門性の高いプレゼンテーションなどでは,しばしば「情報の出所を明確」にして自分の意見とほかの人の意見を切り分けることが大切.
*「according to」= その後ろには確たる情報源が使われ,内容の信頼性を増す.

- Grammar In Action -

1)According to these sales figures, we are doing very well.
2)In my opinion, you should make more eye contact with the audience.



- Words&Expression -

A)Thanks for sparing some of your precious time for me.
B)No problem. What's on your mind?
A)Well, the main purpose of this chat is to discuss how to improve our students' level of English.


「a la (~に従って,式で)」
A)I want to teach you a new recipe. I'm tired of seafood paella.
B)Sure. What is it?
A)It's called "Spaghetti a la Roxy". It's my own recipe. I've prepared all the ingredients.


「That goes without saying.(~は言うまでもない)」
A)Well, first, I'll define what I mean by "success" and then give some examples.
B)Thank you.
A)Success means all the participants will have a good time.
B)Of course. That goes without saying.
A)They can do this by creating bonds of friendship.


「You've got to(ぜひ~しなくては!)」
A)Well, she's a great cheerleader.
A)Yes. She senses the music through vibrations. She has great dance skills, and she helps everyone with their moves.
B)You've got to introduce me to her!