はるお - haruo



ラジオ英会話 2020年 5月 復習 後半

Lesson31:「 譲歩のフロー② 変わらない」

- Key Sentence -
・I understand it's a holiday. All the same, we need you to come to work.
・I treat my girlfriend like a queen. Still, she's not satisfied.
・My head is still killing me.
Nevertheless, it's a good idea to keep some money for a rainy day.

*「all the same」= それにもかかわらず・まったく変わることなく。「変わらないよ」が意味の中心。逆方向の状況はあれ、意見や立場に変わりはないことを示す。
*「still, nevertheless」= 不変のイメージの単語



1)The marathon was very tough, but I enjoyed it all the same.
2)It was clear she was going to lose, but still she fought to the very end.
*to the very end = 最後まで,とことん



Lesson32:「譲歩のフロー③ 逆向きの力」

- Key Sentence -
・We went there in spite of the bad weather.
・We played soccer despite the fact that it was raining.
・I heard a rumor that Risa is moving to Osaka.

*「spite」= 悪意。何か・誰かを傷つけようとする意志。→「事の成就を妨げる逆向きの力=逆境」を感じさせる表現。「despite」も同じ意味。" the fact that " は訳さなくていい。文を都合よく名詞化するだけ。


-Grammar In Action -

1)In spite of his shyness, he asked her for a date.
2)They got married despite the difference in their ages.
3)She never puts on weight despite the fact that she eats like a horse!

* eat like a horse = 大食いをする



Lesson33:「譲歩のフロー④ wh語を使った譲歩 」

- Key Sentence -
・However hard I tried, I couldn't open it.
・Whatever you say, some people will misunderstand you.
・Whoever you pick as captain, we will support you.
・No matter how hard I tried, I couldn't open it.

*「wh 語+ever」は譲歩を表す表現。ever は「どれをとってもいい」と選択を最大限に開く単語。程度を表す how と結びつけば however(どれほど~しても)となる。
*「no matter + wh」も同じ意味。「どんなに~でも重要じゃない」


-Grammar In Action -

1)Wherever you go, I will follow you.
2)No matter when you go, there are always long lines.



Lesson34:「譲歩のフロー⑤ whether, if」

- Key Sentence -
・Whether you like it or not, you have to do it.
・I don't care if you have no money.
・I don't care even if you have no money.
Even though he never smiles, he always makes me smile.

 *「whether」は二択。「if」= 仮定 → 譲歩。「even though」は事実。


- Grammar In Action -

1)Whether you like it or not, this is the rule, so you have to respect it.
2)I'm not taking him back, even if he begs me on bended knee!

*beg = プライド捨ててお願いと請う



Lesson36:「条件設定のフロー① if の価値」
- Key Sentence -
・If you carry on like this, I'll have to kick you off the team.
・If you don't stop playing around, I'll divorce you.
・If you exercise more, you'll feel much more energetic.
・What if we have a picnic this Saturday?

*" if " は「圧力、脅し、アドバイス、提案」の意図で使われる事がある。「圧力」→ 自分の思いのままに動かそうとする意図が働いている。
*「what if」= その考えている人の考えが漫画のように頭から出てきて、「こうしたらどうだろう、ああしたらどうだろう」そうした精神活動が感じられる。

- Grammar In Action -

1)If you don't start treating me better, I'll break up with you!
2)What if we go to a spa this weekend?


Lesson37:「条件設定のフロー② 否定的条件設定」
- Key Sentence -
・If she doesn't get down here in time, I'm leaving.
・I'm not going unless you invite Pam too.
・I'll be surprised if Zach doesn't get chosen as captain.

*高い圧力を表す「if」は,これからの内容に出来事がすでに展開している感触の進行形を使うことがある。必ずそうなると相手に圧力をかけているのです。(if 文で 助動詞以外を使う例外パターン)。
*「if not」= ただの否定的条件。「unless」= 範囲設定のニュアンス。

- Grammar In Action -

1)She'll be devastated if she doesn't get into a top university.
2)You can't get into this club unless you wear a jacket and tie.
*" devastated " = 精神的に打ちのめす,

Lesson38:「条件設定のフロー③ 条件の周りにある表現(just in case, as long as)」
- Key Sentence -
・I'll go with you just in case.
・I'm taking a phone charger with me in case the battery runs low.
・I will love you as long as I live.
・As long as you don't do anything stupid, you'll be fine.
*「in case, just in case」= ~するといけないから → 念のため。
*「as long as」= ~する限り。longは時間的長さ

- Grammar In Action -

1)It's always good to back up your data just in case.
2)I bought us some sandwiches in case we get hungry.
3)You can play video games as long as you finish all your homework first.

Lesson39:「条件設定のフロー④ さもないと」
- Key Sentence -
・Otherwise, we'll probably both catch a cold.
・Just shut up and listen. Otherwise, you'll be sorry.(後悔)
・Be there at 10 a.m. on the dot, or we'll leave without you!

*「-wise」は " way(道)" を表す語尾。道 →「clockwise, lengthwise, likewise」など「方向, 方法, 様子」の意味につながっています。
*「otherwise」→ 別の方向。高い必要性を示したり、命令など強いい指示を行ったりした後、「そうでなければ」と続けるこのフロー。「or」も同じく。

- Grammar In Action -

1)We'd better apply for tickets ASAP. Otherwise, they will all be sold out.
2)Take your job more seriously. Otherwise, you may get sacked.
*「ASAP」= as soon as possible
*「sacked」= クビになる



- Words&Expression -

「do you have a minute?(相手とちょっと話したい)」
A)Ben, do you have a minute?
B)Sure, Tia. What's up?
A)Can you come into work tomorrow? Something just came up today.
*" come into work " = 出社する。 " come up " = 何かが起こる(ここでは問題)


「it can't be helped(仕方がない)」
A)I understand it's a holiday. All the same, we need you to come to work.
B)Normally, I'd say no problem. But we're having an important family reunion tomorrow that I can't possibly miss.
A)Well, I guess it can't be helped, then. Okay, don't worry about it.
*" I can't possibly miss " = どうしても抜けれない


「what happened to your(なにが起こったの?)」
A)Jonas, what happened to your finger? Did you cut yourself?
B)Yes, I'm afraid I did. I had a little accident in the kitchen.
A)Were you peeling potatoes again?
B)No, not this time.


「end up(~にすることに結局なる)
A)So, how did you cut yourself?
B)I ended up using a can opener and my hand slipped. I did finally open the jar, though.


 「be smart with(生意気な口を利く)」
A)Todd, what are you doing playing with your phone? You promised to do your homework.
B)Mom, you're supposed to knock on the door first
A)Don't be smart with me, young man.


「There is no hot water(お湯が出ません)」
A)Hi, honey. I'm home!
B)Hi. How was your day?
A)It was fine, except for this morning. There was no hot water again, so I had to take a cold shower.
B)It's happening more and more recently. Our water heater is too old.


「First thing in the morning(朝一)」
A)We'll have to get it fixed soon. Otherwise, we'll probably both catch a cold.
B)Okay, I'll call the repair people first thing tomorrow morning.
A)Thanks, honey.