はるお - haruo



ラジオ英会話 2020年 4月 復習 後半

Lesson11:「thoughとalthough① 軽い逆のフロー」

- Key Sentence -
・He kept on playing although he was injured.
・Even though he never smiles, he always makes me smile.

*「though, although 」= ちょっとした逆のフロー。though よりも although のほうがカッチリとした雰囲気があります。" even though " は though を強調する形。



1)Although he's scared of heights, he went bungee jumping.
2)Even though it was pouring with rain, they still played golf.
*be scared of heights = 高所恐怖症



Lesson12:「thoughとalthough② さまざまな位置」

- Key Sentence -
・Colin is very efficient. He can be a bit stubborn, though.
・John, though he studied hard, didn't pass the exam.
・Tempting though your offer is, I'm afraid I'll have to decline. 

*" though " は although に比べて気軽な単。「位置の自由度」が高く、便利な使い方がいろいろ。文中・文末にちょっこと入る。「Tempting」とフォーカスを当てることによって、文全体が柔らかいトーンになる。


-Grammar In Action -

1)The job was very demanding. I really enjoyed it, though.
2)Strange though it may seem, I actually like rain.

* demanding = きつい



Lesson13:「 if ① 基本形」

- Key Sentence -
・If you wait a few minutes, I'll give you a ride to the station.
・Give me a call when you're ready to go.
・I'll let you know as soon as I get more information..
・If we save enough money, we can go on a trip to Europe this summer.

* if節は未来のことでも現在形。現実に起こってると「みなして」話を進めている → 現在形が使われる。when や as soon as でもよく見られる形。
*結びの節 = 帰結説では、「助動詞の仕様」が標準。仮定の話をしてる → 断言できない。


-Grammar In Action -

1)If it starts to rain, I'll bring the laundry in for you.
2)If you tell me your arrival time, I'll pick you up.

* bring in = 運び込む



Lesson14:「if ② バリエーション」

- Key Sentence -
・If you say that again, I go home!
・I'll do anything if only you'll stop screaming.
・Oh, if only Chris were here!
・Apologize right now, or else!

 *助動詞が無い → 高圧的。助動詞を使わないだけで、強い語気が生まれてしまう。" if only " = ~しさえすればな。


- Grammar In Action -

1)If we go to Paris, we can eat the most delicious croissants.
2)If only I were thirty years younger!

*croissants. = s は発音しない。仏語由来だから。(k(r)wäˈsänt)



Lesson16:「because, since, as : 理由・原因を表す強さ」
- Key Sentence -
・I didn't get a prize, because I didn't prepare well enough.
・Debbie got the job because she is better qualified than Kevin.
*" because " = 最も理由・原因が結果と結びつく。歯車のよう。強さ「because > since > as」. 理由は、becauseが単機能だから。
*" since " は「出来事の起点」。" as " は「= 」

- Grammar In Action -

1)He may be rich, but he's incredibly stingy.
2)He couldn't fly to Australia since he didn't have a visa.
3)I had to stay in a hotel as I missed the last train.


Lesson17:「as ① 同時性」
- Key Sentence -
・Just as I was leaving the office, the boss told me he couldn't attend the party.
・The phone rang as I was going out the front door.
・I practice the piano as hard as him.

*" as " は「=」。幅広い使い方につながる。ここの as は「時間的な(同時性)」を表す使い方。

- Grammar In Action -

1)I cut my finger as I was chopping carrots.
2)A pickpocket stole my wallet as I was taking photos.

Lesson18:「 as ② 理由・~につれて」
- Key Sentence -
・As it was sunny, we decided to have a barbecue.
・As time passed, his condition got better and better.
・As I get older, my memory seems to be getting worse and worse.
・As I was young, I thought anything was possible.
*" as " の「理由」は同時性の延長線上。二つの出来事を同時に眺めていることから、理由が間接的に生じている。理由専門の接続詞 because のようにがっちりと理由原因と結果を結びつけるわけではない。" as " の持ち味は「軽さ」→ 色んな意味。

- Grammar In Action -

1)As my girlfriend was upset with me, I decided to buy her some flowers.
2)As the speech went on, I got more and more bored.

Lesson19:「as ③ そのほかの = 」
- Key Sentence -
・I bought these makunouchi bentos for us while I was waiting for you.
・As parents, we are responsible for our children.
・I regard my new job as a great challenge.
・Do as I say.
・I finally married her. It's like a dream!

*" as " には「~として」「~のように」。as が = だから。
*” like " とは微妙に違う。like は「類似」→「≒」。

- Grammar In Action -

1)As discussed, our new sales campaign will begin next Monday.
2)When in Rome, do as the Romans do.



- Words&Expression -

A)Yes. Even though he never smiles, he always makes me smile.
B)Goodness, I think you're in love!


「Is that why(それが理由?)」
A)Maybe I have to be tough when I play rugby.
B)Is that why you never smile?
A)Well, it's one of the reasons.


「all the time(毎回、いつも)」
A)I'm fed up with buying plastic umbrellas from a conveniences store all the time.
B)You should get a portable umbrella.(small, foldable)


「That's it()
① 以上です
A)Do you need anything else?
B)Oh, that's it. Thanks.

② その通りだ
A)That's it = exactly

③ それだけだ (強調)
A)I came here to get my money and that's it.

④ いい加減にしろ
A)That's it! Stop partying like crazy!


 「That's the spirit.(その意気だ)」
A)You should be proud of being here.
B)Thanks, Nikola. I'll learn more techniques and come back again next year.
A)That's the spirit. You'll definitely get a prize someday!


「Let's get this show on the road.(仕事などを始める)」
A)Okay. Let's get this show on the road!
B)Hi, everyone! I'm sorry to have kept you waiting. Now, without further ado, let's give a very warm welcome to our three new recruits. Jonas, a toast please

*" without further ado " = 難しい話は抜きにしてさっさと(ado:面倒、すべき事)


「You can say that again.(激しい同意)」
A)As you know, we're having the company-wide meeting next week.
B)Yes, you must be very busy preparing for it.
A)You can say that again.