はるお - haruo



ラジオ英会話 2020年9月 復習 前半

Lesson101:「発言を遮る① ソフトに遮る」

- Key Sentence -
Excuse me, but could I say something here? I think you're missing the main point.
・Can I just jump in for a second? I'd like to suggest we take a short break.
Do you mind if I add something here? What you're saying is correct, but we also need to look at this issue from a cultural viewpoint.

* 基本はこの文の「許可を求める」リズム。
* 相手に許可を得ることによって不要な軋轢を避ける
*「Excuse me, but~」= 

*「Sorry to interrupt, but」=


1)すみませんが、ひと言 言ってよろしいでしょうか.あなたはあまりにも多くのわかりづらい情報を挙げているように思います。
2) ちょっといいですか? 残り時間は30分しかないので,議題の次の項目2つを飛ばしたらどうでしょう。

1)Excuse me, but could I say something here? I think you're giving us too much confusing information.
2)Can I just jump in for a second? We only have 30 minutes left, so I suggest we skip the next two items on the agenda.



Lesson102:「発言を遮る② シャープに遮る」

- Key Sentence -
Just a minute. Are you saying that they're lying?
Hang on (a minute). That's simply not true.
Before you go any further, let's get the facts straight.
Will you please give someone else a chance to speak?

* 発言を即座に遮る表現


-Grammar In Action -

1)Just a minute. Are you implying that this article has been plagiarized?
2)Hang on a minute. I'm not blaming anybody. I'm just saying we need to be far more careful in the future.



Lesson103:「発言権を取り戻す① ソフトに取り戻す」

- Key Sentence -
If I could just finish...
Could I ask you to hold any questions until I've finished?
I hear you, and I will certainly address that point later.
Do you mind? I haven't finished.

* 相手に途中で発言を遮られた状況。当然、そのまま相手に主導権を渡すこともできますが、どうしても発言を終えたい場合だってあります。
*「I hear you,」= 相手に対する理解を示す表現
*「Do you mind?」= 失礼ですが?


-Grammar In Action -
2)ちょっと最後まで言わせていただければ...... さて、どこまでお話ししましたっけ?

1)Could I ask you to hold any questions until I've finished? Otherwise, I may well lose my train of thought.
2)If I could just finish... Now, where was I?




- Key Sentence -
Just hear me out. You'll have the chance to respond after I've finished, okay?
Hang on. Could you at least wait until I've finished my explanation?
Listen, I can't carry on if I keep getting interrupted.

*  短く鋭い言葉で相手を押しとどめる
*「hear 人 out」= 人の発言を最後まで聞く


- Grammar In Action -

1)Just hear me out. Then maybe you won't jump to conclusions.
2)Hang on. Just wait until I've made my concluding remarks, will you?



Lesson106:「ニュースを伝える① 驚きとともに伝える」
- Key Sentence -
Believe it or not, I'm not interested in being promoted.
Incredible as it may seem, we're all going to get a big raise!
*「believe it or not」= まさかと思うでしょうが
*「incredible may seem」= 信じ難いように思われるかもしれない

- Grammar In Action -

1)Believe it or not, John is 70 years old!
2)You'll find this hard to believe, but Harry actually bought a round of drinks last night.


Lesson107:「ニュースを伝える② 言いづらい情報を伝える」
- Key Sentence -
・It's hard to tell you this, but I'm going to quit this club.
・I hate to say this, but I'm probably the only friend you have right now.
・It pains me to say this, but I really think it's time for you to step down.
・I regret to tell you this, but your request has been denied.

* 「言いづらい内容を相手に伝える」

- Grammar In Action -

1)It's hard to tell you this, but I saw your girlfriend with another guy.
2)I regret to inform you that we will not be extending your contract.

Lesson108:「ニュースを伝える③ 興奮とともに伝える」
- Key Sentence -
Guess what! I've been accepted into an Ivy League school!
・You'll never guess who I saw this morning. Grianna Rande!
・Can you believe it? I won the lottery!
・I'm so excited to tell you my good news. I passed the exam!



- Grammar In Action -
1)何だと思う? 私、英語スピーチコンテストで優勝したんだよ!
3)信じられるかい? 彼女はメールで僕をふったんだよ。

1)Guess what! I won the English Speech contest!
2)You'll never guess what my boyfriend got me for my birthday.
3)Can you believe it? She dumped me by text message!

Lesson109:「警告を与える① 「禁止」から「指示・理由」へ」
- Key Sentence -
・You're not supposed to take videos here. Could you go somewhere else, please?
・You must not enter this building. It's private property.
・You can't sit here. This is priority seating.
・I don't think you should swim in this lake. It's extremely dangerous.

* ルールを逸脱している相手に警告を与える
*「could you + please」= 相手を刺激しない,禁止から指示のフロー.

- Grammar In Action -

1)You're not supposed to play football here. You could break a window.
2)You must not put on any more weight. Can you try a different diet?



- Words&Expression -

「conspiracy theories(陰謀説)」
A)I'm saying they didn't go to Mars.
B)It's a historical fact, Bob. You don't actually believe those conspiracy theories, do you?
A)They aren't conspiracy theories!
B)Oh, You're kidding me, right?


「a bit of a leap (ちょっと飛躍)」
A)Professor Peacock, are you seriously suggesting that Atlantis was a real place?
B)If I could just finish...
A)I mean, what serious scholar believes such nonsense? Isn't it a bit of a leap...?