はるお - haruo



遠山顕の英会話楽習 2020年6月 前半


・Taking on the Phone
・Learning Sports Idioms in Telephone Conversations



Dialog1「To Touch Base」
1.A)Hi, Kazuko! I just called to touch base. How's everything?
  A)How do the kids like their new school?
  B)School is in full swing now and they're both adjusting very well, considering.

・touch base:連絡を取る/様子を見る
・How's everything?:しばらく会わなかった相手に使う
・How does A like B?:AはBをどう思っていますか?
・in full swing:フル回転で/たけなわで
・~, considering.:状況の割には ~

2.A)They must … their ….
   B)Dad? You're breaking up.
   A)I can hear you.
   B)Hang on. I'm going to put you on speaker.

・You're breaking up.:あなたの声が途切れています
・Hang on.:待って
・put ~ on speaker :~との通話をスピーカーに切り替える

- Apply It -
I just called to touch base.
*挨拶の表現。「to touch base」は「どんな様子かと思って、しばらく連絡していないので、ちょっと話があって」など多くの意味を表せる、これが便利なので、ビジネスから日常まで広く使われる.


Dialog2「The Front-Runner」
1.A)Sachi joined the drama club.
  B)Wow. How does she like it?
  A)She's getting a kick out of it. She's the front-runner for the lead in a school musical!
  B)Isn't that something!

・drama club:演劇部(発音注意)
・get a kick out of :~に熱中する/~を大いに楽しむ
・the front-runner for: ~の最有力候補
・Isn't that something!:それはすごい(that を高く)

2.A)And George made the wrestling team!
  B)That's a great sport! I did that in high school.
  A)That's what I told him!

・make the ~ team:~チームの一員に選ばれる「作るより,到着する感じ」

- Apply It -
She's the front-runner for the lead in a school musical !
*状況を伝える表現。the front-runner(先頭走者)は「最有力候補」という意味に広がります。何の候補かをfor以下で表す。「be in the second position(2位)」



Dialog3「I'm Rooting for Him」
1.A)George's first match is on Saturday.
  B)What weight class is he in?
  A)130. He thinks the odds are against him.
  B)Why is that? (興味がある表情で)

・weight class:体重別階級
・The odds are against …:…にとって分が悪い・不利だ


2.A)He's going to be wrestling last year's state champion.
  B)He's got a fighting chance. He's a strong boy for his age.
  A)You are right.
  B)Tell him I'm rooting for him.
  A)I will.

・state champion:州チャンピオン
・have got a fighting chance:頑張れば,勝つチャンスがある
・for one's age:年齢の割に


- Apply It -
Tell him I'm rooting for him.
*「I'll be rooting for him」これもよく使われる.「cheer」の方が感情的.



Dialog4「On the Homestretch」
1.A)Are you all settled in now?
  B)Just about. We're on the homestretch. Hold on, I've got another call coming in. (pause) I'm back.

・be settled in:(新しい場所に)落ち着く 
・We're on the homestretch.:最終段階に入っているところ 
・hold on:ちょっと待って( hang on よりもフォーマル)
・have got another call coming in:他の電話が入っている

2.A)When can I come visit?
  B)As soon as we unpacked the boxes in the guest room.
  A)I don't mind that.
  B)Then why don't you drive down this weekend?

・unpack :荷を解く
・drive down:車でやってくる
・come visit:「go, come」の後ろの and はよく省略される.

- Apply It -
We're on the homestretch.
*状況を伝える表現。homestretch は,競馬での最終直線コースのこと.「on the homestretch,in the homestretch」= 最終段階・追い込みの状態.