はるお - haruo



遠山顕の英会話楽習 Dialog5「Talking to the dog trainer」 2019年5月20

・「The Smith’s dog goes to obedience school」
・「Learning Expressions Relating to show in consideration and cooporation」


Dialog5「Talking to the dog trainer」

 A) I’m exhausted! Elvis was all over the place!
 B) That happens. It’ll take time for him to settle down.
 A) Elvis, don’t bark! Bad boy!
 B) It’s best not to shout at him. Seeing all his canine friends makes him really excited.
 A) That’s for sure.
 B) Shouting increases his anxiety and makes him bark more.
 A) Okay. I see what you mean.


- Words & Expressions -
talk to -  〜に相談する
・be all over the place  (主語が)一時もじっとしていない
・That happens.  それはよくあることです
・It’ll take time for X to Y  XがYするまでには時間がかかります
・settle down  落ち着く
・It’s best not to -  〜しないのが一番です
・shout at -  〜に大声を出す
・canine friend 犬・イヌ科同士の仲間 
・That’s for sure.  確かにそうですね。
・increase -‘s anxiety  〜の不安をあおる
・I see what you mean.  仰ることわかります。


- Apply It -
It’ll take time for him to settle down.



A) My new cat Sue is all over the place.
B) When did you get her?
A) Last week.
B) It’ll take time for her to settle down.

- Say It -
It’s best not to shout at him
*  " best, not, shout " を強調する。" It’s, to, at, him " は弱める。


- Write It -

The trainer tells Betsy (that) it’ll take time for Elvis to settle down at the school. He also advises her not to shout at him.
