はるお - haruo



遠山顕の英会話楽習 2020年9月 前半


Up and About & Time and Again
Learning Fixed Pairs of Words



Dialog1「Back and Forth to School
1.A)Did you restore this car, Uncle Jack?
  B)Yep. I'd drive it back and forth to school. Hop in, Sachi!
  A)Wow, it's really cool  and roomy, too!
  B)I'll back it out of the garage. Then you can take the wheel.
     A)Really? Where are we going?
    B)Just drive up and down the street.

back and forth往復に
Hop in!乗って!「Get in,Jump in
take the wheelハンドルを握る,運転する
up and down the street通りを行ったり来たりする

- Apply It -
I'd drive it back and forth to school.


「I would」 =  過去の習慣。「back and forth」 = andを短くしてback 'n' forth のように発音。


Dialog2「Setting Up Tables and Chairs
1.A)I need you to set up the tables and chairs.
  B)I'll get right to it.
  A)Then put two cups and saucers on each table.
  B)I'm on it.

  A)And knives and forks, too.
  B)Will do  after I sample these fish and chips.

  A)The clock's ticking!

I'll get right to it.すぐに取りかかります
cup and saucerカップと受け皿
I'm on it.了解/すぐにします
sample ~を味見する
The clock is ticking!時間がありません


- Apply It -
I need you to set up the tables and chairs.


*「tables and chairs」は and を縮めて "tables 'n' chairs" のように発音



Dialog3「A Man-to-Man Talk
1.A)How's the BZB project going?
  B)We haven't started.
  A)Why not?
  B)Well, it's Elton. I've asked him time and again to collect the data, but he claims he's too busy.
  A)That's interesting. I heard the same thing about you.
  B)You did?
  A)You two need to have a man-to-man talk and get the ball rolling.

・man-to-man talk:腹を割った話
・It's 人:原因は…です
・time and again:何度となく
・have a talk:話し合う
・get the ball rolling:スタートを切る/始める



- Apply It -
You two need to have a man-to-man talk.


* 「need to」は義務感より必要感を表します。何かちょっと冷静な響きもありますね。女性同士なら「a woman-to-woman talk」。性別にこだわらない場合は「a face-to-face talk



Dialog4「Up and About」
1.A)I heard you called in sick, Vicky. Are you okay?
  B)Yeah, Tsutomu. I had a migraine, but I'm up and about now.
  A)I see.
  B)Are you still at work?
  A)Yeah. I'm just finishing up. What are you doing?
  B)Oh, just this and that.
  A)Do you need anything?
  B)No, but thanks for asking. I'm just going to lie down now.

・up and about:起きて動き回って
・call in sick:病欠の電話を入れる
・have a migraine:偏頭痛がする・ある「マイグレイン」
・this and that:あれこれ

- Apply It -
I'm up and about now.


*「up」 = ベッドに横になっていない.「about」 = そのあたりに.