はるお - haruo



ラジオ英会話 2018年 11月 復習 後半「受動態節, 節」

Lesson151:「受動態⑦ 伝達系・思考系」

- Key Sentence -
・Jericho is said to be the oldest city in the world.
・The refugees are reported to be in good health.
The Beatles are thought to be one of the best bands of all time.
・The program is expected to be back on air next spring.

*受動態 " is said " の内容を to不定詞で展開している。この伝達系・思考系の動詞はこれまでの受動態と少し違う。能動態に直すと、" say Jericho to be the oldest …" となるが、こんな形は存在しない。



1)Cave paintings discovered in Indonesia are thought to be the oldest in the world.
2)The painting (that was) believed to be a genuine Picasso turned out to be a fake.
*genuine = authentic.   real は意味は伝わるがベストではない。



Lesson152:「受動態⑧ 受動態の使いどころ」

- Key Sentence -
・English is spoken in many different countries.
・The tremendous support I have received from my family has encouraged me.
・It is often said that English is a difficult language.

* 受動態には使うべき場所がある。能動態で表せる内容は、能動態優先である。よって、受動態は能動態で表現しずらい内容で使われる。この文で能動態なら「誰が話すのか」を言わなければいけないので、能動態では使えない。また、受動態は「能動態では頭でっかちな文」を避ける目的がある。。


-Grammar In Action -

1)Mosquitoes are found around stagnant water.
2)It is often said that information is power.

* stagnant = よどんで流れがない状態




- Key Sentence -
・That he is hiding something is plain to see.

*that には、導くニュアンスがある。" that " が " he is hiding something " という内容を聞き手に導いて、節のパッケージであることを導いてる。


-Grammar In Action -

1)That the medicine was not working was easy to see.
2)That Hirotaka won the speech contest came as a pleasant surprise to everyone.

* " came as a pleasant surprise to " はよく使われる。



Lesson154:「 文の中の小さな文:節②that節」

- Key Sentence -
・ He told me that he doesn’t want to lose me.
・I realize that we have to improve our sales in the second quarter.
・The simple fact is that we are overworked and underpaid.

  *" told me " の後ろに、" that節" がある。説明ルール(説明は後ろに置く)により、この位置には「 told me の説明」という機能がある。that節以降の文は、現在形である。これは、話し手が単に彼が言ったことを報告しているのではなく、that以下の内容が現在の事実であることを強く意識している。
*" that " 以降の文が「複雑 or 相手に正確に理解してもらうことが重要な文脈」で使用。


- Grammar In Action -

1)The teacher told me that I could do much better.
2)The problem is that there’s no way I’m going to meet tomorrow’s deadline.



Lesson156:「文の中の小さな文:節③ if / whether 節」
- Key Sentence -
・Whether you like it or not isn’t important
・He asked me if I wanted to go to the BBQ.
・Whether you like it or not, you have to do your homework if you want to pass this class.

*" if , whether " 節は、「~かどうか」というパッケージ。文中の場所により機能が与えられる。" if " は「条件」,  " whether " は「選択」のイメージ。whether だけ主語として使える。

- Grammar In Action -

1)I asked the server if there were any vegetarian dishes.
2)The question is whether we can afford to buy a house right now.

*" waiter , waitress " は男性女性に限定する表現だから " server " を優先した。
 「問題はAかB 」と「選択」を意識させるから " whether " が好ましい。" question " は、単なる疑問。" problem " には、お金があるかどうかといった障がいが感じられる。


Lesson157:「文の中の小さな文:節④ wh 節」
- Key Sentence -
・ Where she lives is a mystery.
・This is exactly what I wanted for my birthday.
・Shibuya is far from where I live.

*「Where does she live ?」は " where " と " does she live " がそれぞれ独立している。「Where she lives」はひとまとまり。疑問の感覚はない。

- Grammar In Action -
1)Why she quit such a good job is beyond me.
2)The doctor asked me when I started having chest pains.

Lesson158:「文の中の小さな文:節⑤ 疑問の気持ちが宿る場所
- Key Sentence -
・Can you tell me where I’m going wrong?
・Do you think we can make it?
・Do you know if Chris can join us at the party?
*" where I'm going wrong " は単に文の要素。疑問のニュアンスは全くない。" wh 節 " と " wh疑問文 " の違いをはっきりさせることが英会話上達のヒント。

- Grammar In Action -
1)Could you tell me what this kanji means?
*kanji = Chinese character. " kanji " だけだと分からない外国人がいるので、" Chinese character " と具体的に言うと相手が分かりやすい


- Key Sentence -
・ I heard a rumor that Risa is moving to Osaka.
・The question whether an afterlife exists has been debated for centuries.
・The simple fact is that we are overworked and underpaid.

*" I heard a rumor " の後ろに " that Risa is moving to Osaka " が続く。⇒ " that節 " が " a rumor " の説明となる。(同格)

- Grammar In Action -

1)We just got the news that my brother is getting married.
2)The question whether honesty is always the best policy is open to debate.

* got the news = heard = receved the news



- Words&Expression -

「nowhere near(~に遠く及ばない)」
A)Mr. Smith, I’m worried about my English pronunciation. It’s nowhere near good enough!
B)Huh? Your pronunciation is excellent, Momo.


「drive 人 nuts( 人をイライラさせる)」
B)Andy, what’s up?
A)This copy machine is driving me nuts.
B)What are you trying to do?
A)I’m trying to copy double-sided. But every time it prints on the same side.


「All you have to do(~するだけ)」
A)All you have to do is press the " Print on Both Sides " button. It’s right here.
B)Oh, I never noticed that button. How embarrassing!
A)Don’t worry about it.