はるお - haruo



ラジオ英会話 2018年 11月 復習 practical challenge

Lesson 145(一週目)

- Simple Answer -
This apartment is great, surrounded by lots of restaurants and cool shops. I know that compared to the one we live in now, this place is a bit small and the rent is high. But I think this is the place to live.

- Advanced Answer -
The apartments being built here are fantastic, situated so close to restaurants and shopping centers. Compared to our present apartment, they’re less spacious and the rent is a bit higher. But, all things considered, I think we should definitely rent one.

*" the place " の " the " は強い強調表現。一つに決まる " the " が「ここしかない」を生み出している。
*" all things considere " = すべてを考えると



Lesson 150(二週目)


- Simple Answer -
This doll was given to me by my grandmother. She said it has been handed down through generations. I was told to take good care of it, and of course. I will .

- Advanced Answer -
This beautiful doll was left to me by my late grandma. She told me that it has been passed down from generation to generation. I was urged to take special care of it as a precious family heirloom.

*late 人 = 亡くなった人
*pass down = hand down = 次の代に伝える
*heirloom = 家宝(e(ə)rˌlo͞om)



Lesson 155(三週目)


- Simple Answer -
I have a very promising singer in mind. she told me that she'd love to work with us. But the trouble is that we can not promise her enough money. What do you think?

- Advanced Answer -
I know an amazing singer. she told me that she would be very interested in working with us. That she would be an ideal addition to our company is without question. But the problem is that we can't afford her. what should we do?

* “ have in mind “ = ~が頭の中にある
*” addition “ は「チームの新人」などに使われる。



Lesson 160(四週目)


- Simple Answer -
As soon as I got off the Yamanote Line train, I noticed that I had left my tennis racket on it. I didn’t know what I should do, but then I got a great idea. I waited for the same train to come back. Whether you believe it or not, my racket was still there!

- Advanced Answer -
I left my tennis racket on a Yamanote Line train. At first I panicked, but then a brilliant idea came to me. Why don’t I wait until the same train comes back round? Whether I could find it or not was in the lap of the Gods, but luckily, it was still there, and with a cute ribbon on it!

* get off = 降りる , get on = 乗る
*" noticed that I had left " =気づく前に置き忘れたから過去完了
*" in the lap of the Gods " =運しだい、神のみぞ知る。" lap " = 膝の上、ここには物をのせるスペースがある。神(自身)だけが触れれる特別なスペース。そうした、神のスペースにあることから、ゆだねられてとなる。