はるお - haruo



ラジオ英会話 2020年 5月 復習 前半

Lesson21:「理由・原因のフロー ① due to, because of, thanks to」

- Key Sentence -
・She had to leave work early due to a family emergency.
・AZA flight 723 from LA has been delayed due to bad weather conditions.
・We were late for the concert because of you.
・Thanks to my parents, I could have an excellent education.

* 理由原因を表す「硬さ:due to/owing to 」「標準:because of」「感謝:thanks to」
*「due = owe =負っている」→ 公的で力夕い響き。
* because of:多くの場面で無難に使える
* thanks to:ポジティブな内容



1)He was fired because of his poor sales record.
2)We had a great time thanks to your warm hospitality.
*sales record = 販売業績



Lesson22:「理由・原因のフロー ② That's because, That's why, reason」

- Key Sentence -
・It's because it's not plugged in.
・It rains a lot here. That's why I always carry an umbrella.
・It's a non-smoking area, that's why.
・The reason for our success is that we never give up.

* It's / That's because:ある事態を指してその理由・原因を伝える意識。
* that's why:理由・原因をさして事態その結果を説明。文末にも置ける。
* for that reason:その/この理由で


-Grammar In Action -

1)You failed? That's because you didn't concentrate hard enough.
2)The reason for her popularity is that she has a wonderful personality.

* personality = 人柄



Lesson23:「結果のフロー ① so, therefore」

- Key Sentence -
・I didn't use sunscreen, (so/and) I got burned.
・Helen was so sleepy that she couldn't keep her eyes open.
・He didn't do enough research; therefore, he got a bad grade.

* " so " は「結果」を表す。イメージは「強い →」。" and " は軽く緩やかに結果を述べる
* " so sleep " は「強調」だけでなく、後ろにある「だから(結果)」の余韻が重要。
* " therefore, hence,  thus " は「緻密に論理関係を追う」印象の堅い表現。日常では、あまり使わん。


-Grammar In Action -

1)I've fixed the engine, so it should work fine now.
2)It was so cold that we stayed indoors all day.

*fix = しっかりと固定する。「壊れてバラバラになったものを、元のしかるべき位置に動かないようにしっかりと固定」= 直す



Lesson24:「結果のフロー ② as a result of, consequently, accordingly」

- Key Sentence -
・As a result of our hard work, we finished the project ahead of schedule.
・If you do that, there will be serious consequences for all involved.
・We missed the last train and consequently had to take a taxi.
・My article was far too long. Accordingly, the editor cut some parts of it.

 *" as a result of " は「~の結果として」。
* " consequence " は「続いて起こる」→「行為の報い」。ダークなイメージ。「as a consequence, consequently」.
* " accordingly " は「一致・調和」→「原因とか理由にマッチ」→「その結果」. 非常に上級者向け。


- Grammar In Action -

1)As a result of the lack of rain, everyone has to save water.
2)You have done great work. Accordingly, you will receive a pay raise.

*pay raise = 昇給



Lesson26:「結果のフロー③  to 不定詞が表す結果」
- Key Sentence -
・I got to the check-in counter only to find out that French citizens need a visa.
・He grew up to be a famous singer.
・She got the job of her dreams, only to quit one month later!
・He left home never to return.

*" only to, never to ~ " = 話のオチ。そしてそのポーズを置いたというは、そのオチの前の一呼吸を入れた、ということ。

- Grammar In Action -

1)I went all the way to the theater only to learn that the show had been canceled.
2)The painting was stolen, never to be seen again


Lesson27:「目的のフロー①  so, in order that」
- Key Sentence -
・Last night, she stayed at work late so she could complete the report.
・Let me proofread your paper so that there will be no mistakes.
・Please make sure you have all the necessary documents in order that we can process your visa application smoothly

* " so " のイメージは 「矢印(→)」→「目的」。目的とは「向かっていく」ところだから、 so の後ろの節に助動詞表現(~できるように)を伴う。
*orderは「順序」。目的に向かって順序良く進んでいく矢印の感触。in order that はものすごくフォーマル。

- Grammar In Action -

1)I booked front row seats so that we will be really close to the band.
2)We have organized everything in order that you can have a very successful business trip.

Lesson28:「目的のフロー② to」
- Key Sentence -
・It may look easy, but it's really difficult to make the omelet soft.
・She must be rich to own such an expensive car. 
・I had to fill out so many forms in order to get a visa. 
・We should leave now so as to ensure we get good seats.
*to 不定詞に、目的の意味が生じるのは、I'm going to London の後ろに置かれ、その説明となっているから。「ロンドンに行く予定です」と言われれば、「何のため?」とその目的を説明して欲しくなりますよね。
*「so as to, in order to」= どちらも「目的」という意味で私はこれを使っているのです、ということをしっかりと明示するために使われる表現。

- Grammar In Action -

1)I'm calling just to let you know about the schedule change.
2)Please take off your shoes so as to avoid dirtying the floor.

Lesson29:「譲歩のフロー① 引いて押せ」
- Key Sentence -
・It may look easy, but it's really difficult to make the omelet soft.
・Yes, I realize that you have a deadline, but we need more time to make a quality product.
・It is true that I promised to help you, but I'm no longer free on that day. Sorry.
・Certainly, her report is not perfect, but it is still impressive overall.

*" may ~ but " は may を使い「相手の発言へ配慮」を示したあと、自分の意見を述べている。つまり「引いて押す」(例)yes _ but

- Grammar In Action -

1)You may be totally satisfied with the deal, but I am not.
2)Yes, but I don't think you've understood the consequences of such a decision.



- Words&Expression -

A)Well, her son got injured on the school playground, so Taeko went to the hospital.
B)I see. Well, that's understandable.


「fall over(倒れる、こける)」
A)By the way, do you know exactly what happened?
B)Yes. He fell over while playing soccer and twisted his knee badly.


「What's wrong?(問題がある時に使う)」
A)What's wrong with this printer? I have to make copies for the presentation tomorrow.
B)Why don't you call the service company? The phone number is on the label on the printer.


「I wonder why.(なんでだろう)」
A)I found out why it's not working. It's because it's not plugged in.
B)Hmm. I wonder why.


 「clam digging(潮干狩り)」
A)I spent a lot of time outdoors during the long weekend.
B)Oh, where did you go?
A)I went clam digging with my family on the beach. I didn't use sunscreen, so I got burned.

*「" sunscreen " = 日焼け止め,  " clam " = アサリ」


「What inspired you to do this?(きっかけは ?)」
A)As a result of our hard work, we finished the project ahead of schedule.
B)What inspired you to do this? 
A)My experience living abroad a few years ago.

*" ahead of schedule. " = 予定より早く


「make it(成功する)」
A)Hi, Pierre. How was your trip to Cambodia?
B)Ha! I didn't even make it there!(たどり着けなかった)
A)Why? What happened?
B)Well, I got to the check-in counter only to find out that French citizens need a visa.


「 I guess I'll have to(そうするしかないね)」
A)She needs to decide the package design today. Are we putting a cat or dog character on it?
B)Can you wait till this afternoon?
A)Yes, I guess I'll have to. She'll probably choose the cat character since she has a cat.


「 Where in London(Whの応用)」
A)Where in London are you going?
B)There is a famous area called Saville Row.
A)h, yes, I've heard of it. Some say that the Japanese word for suit, Sebiro, comes from that place.