はるお - haruo



ラジオ英会話 2018年 10月 前半「to不定詞」復習

Lesson121:「 to不定詞①主語位置」

- Key Sentence -
・To make new friends is not so easy.(主語)
・I want to make new friends.  (目的語)
・It takes time to make new friends.

*「 to 動詞の原形 ~ 」は一つのまとまり。" to " は文中の場所により、主語・目的語・修飾語になる。主語の to不定詞が長い ⇒「 It ~ to 」が使われる。



1)It’s never advisable to travel without insurance.
2)To give up at this stage is simply not an option.



Lesson122:「 to不定詞②目的語位置」

- Key Sentence -
・I want to become fluent in English.
・l promise not to tell anyone. Believe me!
・I hope to hear from you soon.

* 「to 以下の文」は目的語扱い。to は "→" =「これから(未来)」のニュアンスを持つ動詞と相性がいい。(例)want , decide , promise , hope


-Grammar In Action -

1)We expect to arrive around lunchtime. = I think we will arrive around lunchtime..
2)They’ve agreed to pay for the damage.

*pay for = compensate for = cover the cost of 



Lesson123:「 to不定詞③ 説明型・説明語句位置」

- Key Sentence -
・My goal is to find a cure for cancer.
・If you are to pass the test. you’ll have to study much harder.(意図)
・You are all to apologize right now. (命令)
・The US president is to meet with the Russian president next week.  (予定)
・A company that started in a garage was to become the world’s largest retailer. (運命)

* to は "→"= goal と相性がいい。「 be to do 」は、様々な意味をもつ。"→" のニュアンスが自由な表現を支えてる。


-Grammar In Action -

1)Our aim is to make English grammar much easier to understand.
2)You are all to be packed and ready to leave at 6 a.m.

* " packed " = 物に使うと「詰められた」。人に使うと「(全ての) 荷造りを終えた」



Lesson124:「 to不定詞④ 名詞の説明」

- Key Sentence -
・Do you need someone to give you a ride ?
・My neighbor brought me her two cats to look after.
・I have nothing to write. (書くことがない)
・I have nothing to write with.(ペンがない)


- Grammar In Action -

1)I’m looking for someone to teach me Spanish.

*looking for = I’m trying to find.  I’m searching for (より一生懸命)



Lesson126:「to不定詞⑤ 動詞句の説明(目的, 結果)」

- Key Sentence -
・He grew up to be a famous architect.
・I went to the dentist to have my teeth checked and cleaned.
・We rushed to the gate only to find that the flight had already departed.

*" to 不定詞" が動詞句の後ろ ⇒ " to 不定詞" は動詞句の「説明」(目的,結果)


- Grammar In Action -

1)We returned home to find we had been burgled!


Lesson127: to不定詞⑥ 動詞句の説明(判断の根拠 , 感情の原因)」

- Key Sentence -
・She must be rich to own such an expensive car.
・Who is he to criticize our decision?
・My parents were delighted to hear about my excellent grades.

*" to 以下 " が「判断の根拠」を示している


- Grammar In Action -

1)They must be devastated to see their homes destroyed by the lava.
*devastated =knocked out , clashed



Lesson128:「 to不定詞⑦ 形容詞とのコンビネーション」

- Key Sentence -
・She is hard to fool.
・OK. I’m ready to go.
・He is (sure/ certain / likely/ unlikely) to win.

*"fool " の後ろに目的語がない → 主語のsheが目的語


- Grammar In Action -

1)I’m happy to write you a letter of recommendation.
*" I’m willing to" → 「やらないといけない」ならするよ
 " I’m happy to" →「やりたい」



Lesson129:「 to不定詞⑧ そのほかののコンビネーション」

- Key Sentence -
・I don’t know what to say.
・We’re still deciding where to go on vacation this summer.
・Could you tell me which train to take for Akihabara?

" wh語 と to " の形は、「これから」と強く結びついてる


- Grammar In Action -

1)I have no idea what to cook for tonight’s dinner.
*what to make = what to prepare
「what to do」:外食にも捉えられる。少しイメージが違う



-Words&Expression -

「What are friends for (友達なら当然だろ)」
A)Are you sure? I don’t want to trouble you.
B)No problem at all. What are friends for?


「 get out of( 〜出る、降りる、脱ぐ), fancy-looking(しゃれてる)」
・Who’s that woman getting out of the fancy looking car? 


 「dress up as – (〜の格好をする、〜に扮する)」
・I was thinking about dressing up as a pirate.


  「kind of(ちょっと、やや、なんだか)」
・You look kind of worried. Is something bothering you?


「from one’s heart(心をこめて)」
A)I don’t know what to say at wedding.
B)Don’t worry. Just speak from your heart.