はるお - haruo



ラジオ英会話 2020年 4月 復習 前半

Lesson1:「and ① 順行のフロー」

- Key Sentence -
・I made a sandwich and ate it quickly.
・We went to the restaurant and had an excellent meal.

*「and」は、最も基本的なフローを作る接続詞。AからBに(→)が向かう順行のフロー。+ ではない。「作る → 食べる」という時間の流れを写し取っている。



1)I went to the gym and did a two-hour workout.
2)I fell off my bicycle and broke my leg.
*two-hour = 形容詞として使われるため、" two hours " とはならん。



Lesson2:「and ② 命令文 + andの理由」

- Key Sentence -
・Hurry up, and we'll catch the last train.
・Just press this button, and your cappuccino will be ready in no time.
・Could you just wait here, and the Principal will see you soon?

* 「命令文+and」= ~しなさい、そうすれば。" and " が足し算記号(+)でなく「フロー」であるため、この意味となる。「Hurry up」と「catch the last train」が矢印で結ばれている


-Grammar In Action -

1)Apologize to her, and there's a chance she'll take you back.
2)How about we take this shortcut and avoid the traffic?

* take someone back = よりを戻す



Lesson3:「 or ① 選択」

- Key Sentence -
・30 or 40 people attended the presentation. (30~40)
・I went to Ayers Rock, or Uluru, as it is also now officially called.

* " or " が作るのは「2二択のフロー」。


-Grammar In Action -

1)We could go out for dinner or just eat at home.
2)Many American colleges charge 50 or 60,000 dollars a year.

* charge = トラックに荷物を積み込む感触。支払いの責任をポンと乗せる 感じ。



Lesson4:「 or  ②「強い指示 + or」」

- Key Sentence -
・We'd better hurry, or we'll miss the train.
・You must improve your performance, or you'll be kicked off the team.
・Try harder, or else you'll never pass the entrance exam.
・Apologize right now, or else!


 *「相手に強い指示を行う文」と使われ「さもないと」を表す。" or else " はただの強調表現。or else の後ろを伏せる → 不気味な、脅迫的なニュアンス。


- Grammar In Action -

1)Pay up or face the consequences.
2)I had better make a great presentation this time, or else.

*face the consequences = 行動の結果に直面 = 報いを受ける



Lesson6:「but① 逆光のフロー」
- Key Sentence -
・He may have excellent qualifications, but he's not a good teacher.
・A)I'd like to start by proposing an intensive sales campaign.
 B)Yes, but we've tried that before with limited success.

*" but " の基本フローは「逆行」。それまでの流れに反する内容を続ける。「" Yes, but.. " = 発言の角を丸めるために yes でまず引いて、そのあと but でググっと相手に自分の意見をねじ込む」

- Grammar In Action -
1) He may be rich, but he's incredibly stingy.
*stingy = ケチな

Lesson7:「but② 話の流れを押し返す」
- Key Sentence -
・It's hard to say, but I want to break up.
・A)Excuse me. Do you have this dress in a size 12?
 B)But I'm not a shop assistant. I'm a customer!

*" but " は「押し返す」フロー。話の流れをそのまま受け入れることはできない、それが「押し返す」butのタイミング。

- Grammar In Action -

1)Excuse me, but could you tell me where the nearest ATM is?
2)I realize it's very short notice, but I'd like to change my departure date.

Lesson8:「 but ③ コントラスト)」
- Key Sentence -
・My teacher never puts students down, but always gives us confidence!
・Hey, these chocolates are not only for you but for your sister too.
*" not A but B " は「A ではなく B」。コントラストを表すことによって、誤解の余地なく論点を伝える。注意すべきは文法的に同じ種類の要素を対にする。

- Grammar In Action -
1)I realize it's very short notice, but I'd like to change my departure date.

Lesson9:「while と when」
- Key Sentence -
・I bought these makunouchi bentos for us while I was waiting for you.
・When I opened the overhead locker, a big bag fell on my head.
・I support the Giants, while my girlfriend is a Tigers fan.

*" while "のイメージは「2つの出来事」。2つの出来事が歯車のように「同時に」回ってる。2つの出来事を比較 →「譲歩」となる。" when " はある出来事がいつ起こったのか「出来事を位置づける」表現。

- Grammar In Action -

1)I feel so relaxed when I'm bathing in hot springs.
2)I'm an introvert, while my brother is an extrovert.



- Words&Expression -

「as you know(あなたが知っている通り)」
A) As you know, the Desperate Rats are a super popular band. We were lucky to get such good seats


「I'm afraid not.(残念ながらね)」
A) Then I guess we don't have time for another drink.
B) I'm afraid not. Hurry up, and we'll catch the last train.


「 them in large(ラージサイズ)」
A) Do you have them in large?


「there is no point in(無駄),after all(やはり)」
A)A kimono needs to look perfect or else there is no point in wearing one.
B)I wonder if many other women will be wearing a kimono to the ceremony.
A)It's not so unusual. This is Japan, after all.


 「ran out of(切らす),remind … of ~(…に~を思い出させる)」
A)Mom, your beef bowl is the best!
B)I'm glad you like it. We ran out of red pickled ginger, though.
A)No ginger, huh? That reminds me of my new English teacher.
B)Why does having no ginger remind you of his jokes?
A)He always says "No ginger" when he means shouganai!

*「" beef bowl " = 牛丼,  " red pickled ginger " = 紅ショウガ」


「there is nothing quite like ~(~には勝てない)」
A)There's nothing quite like miso ramen.
B)Why aren't you slurping your ramen? I heard it's not bad manners to slurp noodles in Japan.

*" slurp " = 音を立ててすする


「I thought~(勘違いしてた)← rare 」
A)Oh, I thought you were Japanese.
B)Actually, I'm British. My parents are immigrated to the UK a long time ago.


「 I think I know(心当たりがあります)」
A)I heard there is a strict teacher at your school who tells bad jokes.
B)Oh, I think I know who you're talking about. It's my teacher!


「 put down(けなす、悪口を言う), NO way!(強く可能性を否定)」
A)I heard he sometimes puts students down.
B)No way! My teacher never puts students down, but always gives us confidence!
A)Okay, that's a relief.


「what shall we do for lunch?(ご飯どうする?)」
A)So, what shall we do for lunch?
B)I bought these makunouchi bentos for us while I was waiting for you. We can eat them during the intermission.
B)Thanks a lot. You're very well organized.(几帳面)