はるお - haruo



ジオ英会話 「We may go to Italy this summer」2019年3月25日 Lesson236

・ 今までの語順学習の要点を復習し、英会話能力に直結する「英語感・英語に対する見方」を身に着ける



 A) Norah, what are you reading?
 B) An Italian textbook. I’m studying Italian with my mom.
 A) Sounds nice. How come you and your mother are studying Italian?
 B) We may go to Italy this summer. We both paint and like to visit museums and churches to see beautiful works of art.
 A) That’s an interesting hobby.
 B) But I wonder if I can get enough time off from work.
 A) That’s true. You always seem to be so busy. Well, I hope you manage to make it to Italy, and that you have a wonderful vacation with your mom.
 B) Thank you.



- Real grammar for communication -
We may go to Italy this summer.

*「指定ルール:指定の意味合いの語句は前に置く」が働いているため、" may go to Italy " という語順になる。may は以降の内容を「~かもしれないという話ですよ」と予め指定しているため、前置きである

・I don’t like cockroaches.
・Personally, I think Jane’s presentation was first-rate.


- Grammar In Action -
1) 君の否定的な態度は評価しないよ。
2) 私の知るかぎり、新しいチームは本当によくまとまっているよ。

1) I don’t appreciate your negative attitude.
2) As far as I can tell, the new team is bonding really well.

1)" I don’t appreciate " = less direct than saying " hate ", or " don’t like " , or  " dislike ". It’s used more by someone whose of higher status like a mother talking to her son.