はるお - haruo



ラジオ英会話 「She is hard to fool」2018年10月10日 Lesson128 to不定詞⑦

・「 to 不定詞 , 動詞ing 」は文中の置かれる場所により、主語・目的語・修飾語句と様々な役割を果たす。
・ " to " の場所を意識し「to 不定詞」をマスターする

Lesson128:「 to不定詞⑦ 形容詞とのコンビネーション」


- 英文 -

 A) Are you going to wear a Halloween costume this year?
 B) Yes. I was thinking about dressing up as a pirate.
 A) Again? You were a pirate last year. Think of a different character.
 B) Do you have any suggestions?
 A) Well, how about a vampire? All you need is a black cloak and fangs. Then you’ll look just like one!
 B) But my wife will know it’s me. She is hard to fool.
 A) Oh, you want to trick your wife?
 B) Yes, I love to play tricks on her. But sometimes she get angry.
 A) Be careful! Anyway, have a Happy Halloween!

- Words&Expression -
・dress up as –  〜の格好をする、〜に扮する
・pirate  海賊
・vampire  吸血鬼
・cloak  マント
・fool  だます、かつぐ


- 内容確認 -

 A) Are you going to wear a Halloween costume this year?
 B) Yes. I was thinking about dressing up as a pirate.
 A) Again? You were a pirate last year. 
  Think of a different character.
 B) Do you have any suggestions?
 A) Well, how about a vampire?
 All you need is a black cloak and fangs.
 Then you’ll look just like one!
 B) But my wife will know it’s me. She is hard to fool.
 A) Oh, you want to trick your wife?
 B) Yes, I love to play tricks on her.
 But sometimes she gets angry.
 A) Be careful!
 B) Anyway, have a Happy Halloween!


- Real grammar for communication -

・She is hard to fool.

*"fool " の後ろに目的語がない → 主語のsheが目的語


・She is (hard / easy / difficult / impossible) to fool.

・He is (sure/ certain / likely/ unlikely) to win.

・OK. I’m ready to go.

・I’m happy to lend you my tennis racket.


- Grammar In Action -

1)  私のパートナーは喜ばせるのが簡単だ。

2)  喜んで君に推薦状を書いてあげるよ。


1)  My partner is easy to please.
2)  I’m happy to write you a letter of recommendation.


 1)partner = 配偶者、恋人、ビジネスパートナー

 2) " I’m willing to" → 「やらないといけない」ならするよ

 " I’m happy to" →「やりたい」


 *本を見ずに、ラジオを聞いて書いてるため誤りがあるかもしれません。その時は、すみません (^^)/


NHKラジオラジオ英会話 2018年 10 月号 [雑誌]

NHKラジオラジオ英会話 2018年 10 月号 [雑誌]