はるお - haruo



ラジオ英会話 「Don't be so hard on yourself. 」2020年3月25日 Lesson238




Henry)Japanese is really hard, especially reading and writing. I'll never learn all these kanji characters.
Miwa)Well, it takes a long time. Rome wasn't built in a day.
Henry)But I'm behind all the other students in my class. I feel like a failure.
Miwa)Don't be so hard on yourself. Everyone learns at their own pace.
Henry)I wish I could learn faster.
Miwa)Hey, you need a break. Let's get a cup of coffee at the cafe.
Henry)Good idea!


*failure= 落ちこぼれ
*part and parcel of = 付き物


- Check your grammar -
① 現在形「一般的な内容」
 Japanese is really hard.

② 仮定法「過去が持つ距離感」

 I wish I could learn faster.


*" addition " = 新人


- Build up your vocabulary -

Don't be so hard on yourself.

*" Take it easy " は「簡単なものとして受け取れ」。
*" would you mind " を yes で返すと「気にしますよ」になる。


・We know you can do it.
・I know you'll do a fantastic job.
・You have what it takes to be a champion.
・You have remarkable talent.


- Express yourself in English -
1) そんなに自分を責めるなよ。誰にだって悪い日はあるさ。
2) 君ならできるよ。私は君を100%信頼しているから。
3) この子は特別ですよ、信じてください。彼女には信じ難いほどの才能があります。

1) Don't be so hard on yourself. Everyone has bad days.
2) I know you can do this. I believe in you 100%.
3) This kid is special, believe me. She has unbelievable talent.

 1) " teething problems " = 歯が生える時の問題 = 発足時の問題
 3) " check ... out " = よさそうなものを)見てみる・検討してみる