はるお - haruo



ラジオ英会話 「I'm not sure about that. 」2020年3月11日 Lesson228



Lesson228「判断を留保する定型表現 」

MomHoney, I was thinking that we should go on a trip to celebrate our son's high school graduation.
Dad)Good idea. Where do you suggest we go?
Mom)How about Okinawa?
Dad)I'm not sure about that. We've already been to Okinawa.
Mom)But Ren wants to go again. He loves the beach and Okinawan culture.
DadHotel prices are kind of expensive at this time of year.
Mom)Let me look for some deals on the internet.


*You must be joking! = まさか
*jump to a conclusion = 結論を急ぐ


- Check your grammar -
① thinking「思考力を使い考えている
 I was thinking that we should go on a trip to celebrate our son's high school graduation.

② 節内部を尋ねる疑問文

 Where do you suggest we go?


*" addition " = 新人


- Build up your vocabulary -

I'm not sure about that.
*" I'm sorry, but. " という「クッション」を置いている
*" go along with " = 手を取って歩いていくイメージ
*疑問文は刺激が強い → 「クッション」がいる → 思いやり
*「クッション」= Tell me, So, Hey


・I couldn't say.

・It's hard to say.
 A)Don't you think Bob was the wrong choice for team leader?
 B)Well, I wouldn't like to say.



- Express yourself in English -
1) それについては何とも言えません。スタッフの間に摩擦を起こす原因になりうるかもしれません。
2) 何とも難しいですね。というのも私たちは事実を全て知ってはいないのですから。
3) 反対したくはないのですが、完全に的外れだと思いますよ。

1) I'm not sure about that. It could cause friction among the staff.
2) It's hard to say since we don't have all the facts.
3) I wouldn't like to say. I mean, I don't want to hurt anyone's feelings.

 1) " since " = because より固い
 3) " miss the point " = 的外れ