はるお - haruo



ラジオ英会話 「I couldn't agree more.」2020年3月3日 Lesson222



Lesson222「便利な定型表現:同意の定型表現② 強い同意」

Noriko)Let's begin our meeting. What is the first item on the agenda?
Michael)The new university year.
Noriko)I see. Every year at this time, many new students come to our town. We should do something to welcome them.
Michael)I couldn't agree more. Do you have anything in mind?
Noriko)I was thinking of putting lottery boxes in shops. That would attract students.
Michael)What kind of prize would they get?
Noriko)Maybe a free meal at my restaurant?


*have ~ in mind = ~を考えている
*chict = 上品ですてきな


- Check your grammar -
① 現在形「習慣」
 Every year at this time, many new students come to our town.

② to 不定詞「目的」

 We should do something to welcome them.


*" addition " = 新人


- Build up your vocabulary -

I couldn't agree more.

* " couldn't agree more " = これ以上は賛成できないだろうなぁ=大賛成
* " agree to " = 計画・提案への同意。to → これからのこと。
* " agree with " = 人 or 意見の方針。
* " You can say that again! " = 善悪の両方に使える


・I completely / totally agree.

 A)Listening to Radio Eikaiwa is a great way to improve your English, right?
 A)This work is so boring.
 B)You can say that again!



- Express yourself in English -
1) 大賛成です。まったく同じことを考えていましたよ。
2) (「この試験は難しかったなぁ!」と言う友人に対して)本当にねぇ。こんなに難しいテストを人生で受けたことはなかったよ。
3) 完全に同意します。それは私の考えでは理想的な解決策だと言えるでしょう。

1) I couldn't agree more. I was thinking exactly the same thing.
2) You can say that again! I've never taken such a difficult test in my life!
3) That's an excellent point. I hadn't thought of that before.

 1) " stick together " = cooperate, act jointly
 3) " test " = 色んなテスト全般," exam " = 学校のテスト