はるお - haruo



遠山顕の英会話楽習 Dialog4「X-ray Results」 2019年9月10

・「going to clinics」
・「Learning words and expressions related to clinics」


Dialog4「X-ray Results」

 A) Good news! I looked at your X-ray and nothing is broken.
 B) That’s a relief.
 A) You have a bad sprain though. Ice your ankle for 20 minutes every couple of hours.
 B) Okay.
 A) And keep your ankle elevated.
 B) You know, Doctor. I’m supposed to play in a bowling tournament tomorrow.
 A) I suggest you sit it out.


- Words & Expressions -
X-ray  X線写真・検査
・result(s)  結果 
・Good news!  良い知らせです!
・look at -,  ~を見る
・That’s a relief!  よかった!安心しました!
・sprain  捻挫
・ice  (氷で)冷やす
・every couple of hours  2〜3時間ごとに
・elevated 高真い位置に上げた
・play in a – tournament  大会に出る
・I suggest you -,  ~するようお勧めします
・sit out -,  〜に参加することは控える・我慢する


- Apply It -
I looked at your X-ray and nothing is broken.

*"X-ray は " X-ray photo " の略。


A) What did the doctor say? 
B) She looked at Pochi’s X-ray and sald nothing is broken.
A) Good!
B) I’m so glad we went.

- Say It -
I suggest you sit it out.
* " sit it out " の機能語 it を弱める。


- Write It -


There’s some good news and bad news for the woman. The good news is nothing is broken. The bad news is she has to sit out the bowling tournament.

