はるお - haruo



遠山顕の英会話楽習 Dialog2「Meeting the new neighbor」 2019年5月7

・「The Smith’s dog goes to obedience school」
・「Learning Expressions Relating to show in consideration and cooporation」


Dialog2「Meeting the new neighbor」

 A) Hello! I’m Jack Smith. This is my wife, Betsy. That’s Sam, with our dog, Elvis.
 B) Mike Hanson. Pleasure to meet you.
 C) I brought some homemade cookies.
 B) Ah!
 D) Elvis, down!
 B) He almost knocked me over! He got my jacket dirty!
 C) We’re terribly sorry!
 B) Does he bite?
 D) Oh, no. Elvis wouldn’t hurt a flea!


- Words & Expressions -
・our dog, Elvis = Elvis, our dog うちの犬のエルビス 
・Pleasure to meet you.  どうぞよろしく。
・jump up on 人  〜に跳びかかる
・Down! 伏せ!犬への指示」
・knock 人 over (ぶつかって)を倒す
・wouldn’t hurt a flea =wouldn’t hurt a fly  〜は人畜無害である。「ノミ flea」


- Apply It -
Pleasure to meet you.

*挨拶の表現。スタンダードな " Nice to meet you " より「やや改まった」表現。適度な丁寧さがいる時に使う。


A) Hello. I’m Carolyn Miller.
B) Haruo. Pleasure to meet you.
A) This is my brother, Ken
B) Hello Ken, I'm haruo.

- Say It -
We’re terribly sorry!
*  " terribly " を「テリ」と発音しない。


- Write It -


The Smiths meet the new neighbor, Mike Hanson. Their dog, Elvis jumps up on him. Sam tells Mike Elvis wouldn’t hurt a flea.

The Smiths meet Mike Hanson, the new neighbor. Their dog, Elvis jumps up on him. Sam tells Mike that Elvis wouldn’t hurt a fly.


・" The Smiths " = s を忘れない