はるお - haruo



ラジオ英会話 「I went to my hometown, Hamamatsu, with my wife」2019年5月9日 Lesson24

・ もっと深く前置詞の感覚を学ぶ



 A) Hi, Daiki. How was your long holiday?
 B) It was nice and relaxing. I went to my hometown, Hamamatsu, with my wife.
 A) Did you do anything special there?
 B) Actually, yes, I did. I went to the annual Hamamatsu Festival.
 A) Great. What kind of festival is it?
 B) They have big kites that are about six to ten tatami mats in size.
 A) Wow, that’s huge. Was it crowded?
 B) Yes, I’ve never seen so many people at that event.

*" purify " = 清める
*" Kids today " = 今どきの子供


- Check your grammar -
① They have big kites that are about six to ten tatami mats in size.

*①の " that " は関係代名詞。空所を意識しよう。



- Build up your vocabulary -
I went to my hometown, Hamamatsu, with my wife.

*ここの " to " は「指し示す」イメージ。動作や行為の到達点を指し示す。" for " とは違う。

・Your photo must be attached to your CV.
・I went to London. I left for London.
 ロンドンに行った。 ロンドンに向け出発した。
・l listened to the sports results.
・I listened for the sports results
・This may be difficult for you.
 君には難しいかもしれないね。" to " は使えん


- Express yourself in English -
1) 物価上昇率は7月には2.7%に跳ね上がった。
2) 彼の音楽的才能は世界中に知られている。

1) Inflation jumped to 2.7% in July.
2) His musical talent is known to all the world.

1)" infration " = the inflation rate