はるお - haruo



ラジオ英会話 「今週のREVIEW」2019年5月10 Lesson25



Q1: What is the woman attending?
Q2: Where was the key?
Q3: Who is Hirotoumi?
Q4: Which is true?

A1 (c) A Japanese cooking class.
A2 (b) In the dad’s shirt’s pocket.
A3 (c) A sumo wrestler.
A4 (a) Daiki is from Hamamatsu.


- Practical Challenge -


- Simple Answer -
(Why are you so upset?)
I’ve been waiting for you for one hour. Do you remember we booked a table at a top Italian restaurant for 7 o’clock? And it’s 7.30 now. It takes around 15 minutes to get to the restaurant, so let’s hurry!

- Advanced Answer -
(Why are you so upset?)
Where on earth have you been? Have you seen the time? Don’t you remember that our booking at the Italian restaurant is for 7 o’clock? We’re 30 minutes late already! It will take at least 15 minutes to get there, so we’d better get a move on.

*" on earth " = wh語の強調
*" Don't you ~ " = 非難のニュアンスがる
*" get a move on " = 急ぐ


