はるお - haruo



遠山顕の英会話楽習  Dialog7「The Daring Little Rabbit」 2019年4月22

・「Problems, Problems」問題、また問題
・「Learning Expressions Relating to Problems and Solving Them」問題とその解決に関連した表現を学ぶ


Dialog7「The Daring Little Rabbit」

 A) Usakichi! Where have you been?
 B) I went on an adventure.
 A) Did you go back to Mr. Makuragawa’s garden?
 B) I didn’t stay long.
 A) I told you never to go back there!
 B) I couldn’t help it. His lettuce is so crisp and fresh.
 A) You’re asking for trouble!
 B) Don’t worry, mother. Mr. Makuragawa will never catch me!
 A) You’re grounded!


- Words & Expressions -
・daring  向こう見ずな、不敵な「dέəriŋ
・go on an adventure 冒険に出かける
・I told you never to - 絶対〜してはいけないと言ったでしょう。
・can’t help it  どうしようもない、どうにもならない「諦めの気持ちがある」
・lettuce レタス「a head of lettuce, two heads of lettuce」のように使う
・crisp パリッとした
・ask for trouble 災いを招く、自分の首をしめる
・be grounded  外出禁止である


- Apply It -
You’re grounded!



A) I haven’t seen the Smith kid recently.
B) He’s grounded.
A) What did he do?
B) His mom won’t tell me.

- Say It -
I went on an adventure.
* " went on an adventure " はリンクし「オナナ」」みたいな感じで言う。省エネにもなるし、相手も分かりやすい。


- Write It -


In a nutshell, Usakichi’s mother told him never to go back to Mr Makuragawa’s garden, but he did, so he was grounded

In a nutshell, Usakichi’s mother told him never to go back to Mr Makuragawa’s garden, but he did I, and he was grounded


・" In a nutshell " =a nice phrase to use when you want to, not just summarize something, but summarize something in as a few words as possible. 


NHKラジオ遠山顕の英会話楽習 2019年 04 月号 [雑誌]

NHKラジオ遠山顕の英会話楽習 2019年 04 月号 [雑誌]