はるお - haruo



ジオ英会話 「Is there anything I can do for you?」2019年3月19日 Lesson232

・ 今までの語順学習の要点を復習し、英会話能力に直結する「英語感・英語に対する見方」を身に着ける



 A) I’m sorry that I’m taking so long.
 B) Is there anything I can do for you?
 A) Oh, great! You speak English. The ordering system is hard to understand.
 B) I know. Even I have problems with it. What kind of dish do you want to order?
 A) Well, I’m not sure yet. I want to see all the choices.
 B) OK, just press this button.
 A) Do they have seafood?
 B) Let me see. Oh, yes, it’s in this section. You have two choices. Deep-fried oysters with rice or raw tuna over rice.
 A) OK, I’ll get the deep-fried oysters. Thanks a lot!
 B) You’re welcome.

 *raw tuna over rice =マグロ丼


- Real grammar for communication -
Is there anything I can do for you?

*英語文には固有のリズムがある。このリズムを掴むことが上達のカギ。「説明ルール(説明は後ろに置く) = 大切なことは先」は重要な原則。単に、前の要素を後続が説明するリズムである

・I think he’s a great teacher.
・The money in my wallet isn’t enough to buy lunch.
・Can I get a fork to eat this with?
・The classes taught at that school are all in English.
・We had an amazing party last night.


- Grammar In Action -
1) プレゼンテーションをしている人は、わが社の人事部長です。
2) 書くためのペンすら持っていない学生もいる。

1) The guy making the presentation is our Head of Human Resources.
2) Some students don’t even have a pen to write with.

2)" with " is important, because it shows you what the pen is useful.