はるお - haruo



ジオ英会話 「My dad is cooking dinner, which doesn’t happen very often」2019年1月31日 Lesson199

・関係代名詞 " who , which , that " と関係副詞 "where , when , why " といった節による修飾。



 A) Oh, wow, something smells really good!
 B) My dad is cooking dinner, which doesn’t happen very often.
 A) What is he making?
 B) He makes the same dish every time, seafood paella. But he’s really good at making it.
 A) Where did he learn how to make that?
 B) Well, he got a cookbook as a Christmas present and just followed the recipe.
 A) Oh, who gave him the cookbook?
 B) My mom did. She wants him to cook more, but so far he’s mastered only one recipe. Anyway, you’re welcome to stay for dinner. He always makes too much.
 A) Sounds great.


- 内容確認 -

・paella= パエリア


- Real grammar for communication -
My dad is cooking dinner, which doesn’t happen very often.

*" , which " は非常に多用される。この形は、名詞だけでなく文や先行表現を受けることもできる。この文で、" which " が受けているのは、前の文内容全体。大切なのは、which でつかむ感覚。

・She was adventurous, which he was not.

・We looked at two apartments, both of which were excellent.
・The students gave an excuse for missing class, the truth of which was dubious.


- Grammar In Action -
1) 今朝1時間の筋トレをやったんだけど、やるといつも気分がよくなるんだ。
2) サーカスの道化師たちはとっても面白かった、子どもたちも大喜びだったよ。

1) I did an hour’s workout this morning, which always makes me feel good.
2) The circus clowns were hilarious, which delighted the children.
1)" workout " = it’s a kind of fitness training, or physical exercises. That’s, although, not exclusively usually, we imagine a happening inside the gym, or sports club. So it’s more of like, working muscles, not so much of running.
2)" hilarious " = really, really, really funny. 全てに渡り、とっても面白い。