はるお - haruo



ジオ英会話 「Barbara Chang, who is the hotel manager, greeted us personally」2019年1月30日 Lesson198

・関係代名詞 " who , which , that " と関係副詞 "where , when , why " といった節による修飾。




 A) Claudia, welcome back. So, how was your business trip to Hong Kong this time?
 B) It was simply fantastic. Everything went really well.
 A) How was the hotel?
 B) The service was amazing as usual. Barbara Chang, who is the hotel manager, greeted us personally. She always makes us feel welcome.
 A) By the way, did you go up Victoria Peak?
 B) Yes, we did, but it was so foggy that we couldn’t see the city below.
 A) Oh, that’s too bad. Maybe you can go again.
 B) I’ll definitely go back for the next sales meeting this spring.


- 内容確認 -
・simply = 強調

- Real grammar for communication -
Barbara Chang, who is the hotel manager, greeted us personally.


・I know a girl who wants to be an astronaut.
・We stayed at the Grand Hotel, which some friends recommended to us.


- Grammar In Action -
1) 私の婚約者は、カナダ人なんだけど、流暢な日本語を話しますよ。
2) 僕のおじいちゃんはイースター島に行ったんだけど、それって彼のバケツリストのいちばん上にあったんだよ。

1) My fiancé, who is Canadian, speaks fluent Japanese.
2) My granddad went to Easter Island, which was at the top of his bucket list.

1)"Canadian " = カネーディアン
2)" bucket list " = 生きている内にやりたいリスト。 これは "kick the bucket " と関係があると思われる。