はるお - haruo



遠山顕の英会話楽習 2020年6月 後半


・The Weather of the Four Seasons
・Learning Words and Expressions Related to Weather



Dialog5「Choose Sides」
1.A)Hello, I think we got cut off.
  B)I'm here.
  A)Let me take you off speaker. I wanted to tell you something.

・get cut off:(主語の電話中に)切れてしまう「get の "t" は発音しない」
・take … off speaker:…を通話中のスピーカーから外す
・I wanted to tell you something.:話したいことがあったんです


2.A)My new job is really stressful. I want to quit.
   B)Don't jump the gun.
   A)My team members are complaining to me about each other in private.
   A)I feel I can't choose sides.

・jump the gun:早まった行動をとる
・in private:個人的に,内密に
・choose sides:味方につく,側につく,ひいきする

- Apply It -
I feel I can't choose sides.
*「choose sides」(または pick sides)= 複数の意見の中の1つ.いくつかをサポートすることで、「ひいきする」「味方する」などの意味.

(例)Who are you rooting for? ー Everyone. I can't choose sides.


Dialog6「Play Hardball」
1.A)There are no team players in this company.
  B)That's a big change from your last job.
  A)Yes. I didn't realize what I was getting into. Everyone wants to play hardball.

・team player:チーム精神を重んじる人
・ I didn't realize what I was getting into.:そうなるなんて思ってなかった.
・play hardball:手加減を一切しない

2.A)Give it time. You've only been there a month.
  B)I know, but we need to get down to business.
      All this infighting is preventing us from hitting our targets.

・Give it time.:あせらずに「Givei time のようにリンク」
・get down to business:本題に入る
・all this:こうした~ばかりなので
・hit one's target:目標を達成する

- Apply It -
Everyone wants to play hardball.

*「play hardball」(硬球でプレイする)= 自分の意見や方法を「周囲を無視して」押し通すこと.「仕事の荒っぽさ,情け容赦ない手法」を表すときによく使う.



Dialog7「You Need a Game Plan」
1.A)You need a game plan.
  B)I know.
  A)Call a meeting. Put the team members who don't get along in pairs.
  B)Okay. Then what?

・game plan:作戦,行動計画
・call a meeting: 会議を開く
・put … in pairs: をペアにする,ペアに分ける
・then what?:その次は?


2.A)Have them brainstorm the most efficient ways to get their projects done.
  B)Yeah! It could be a game changer.
  A)They may be able to work out their differences.

・have X Y.:XにYさせる「人をある方向に向けること」
brainstorm ~:ブレストして~を引き出す
・get one's projects done:プロジェクトを達成する
・a game changer:流れを変えるもの,人
・work out one's differences:お互いの相違点を調整する


- Apply It -
You need a game plan.
*「game plan」= 劇的な響きのある "strategy" よりずっと身近な印象.アメフトなどの綿密な計画作りに由来.(例)I don't know how to improve my Japanese. - You need a game plan



Dialog8「I'm Giving It My Best Shot」
1.A)Hi, Bill! How's the job hunting coming along?
  B)I'm giving it my best shot.

・I'm giving it my best shot.:精一杯頑張ってる
・How's ~ coming along?:~の調子はどう?「How's ~ going?」

2.A)I've applied for teaching positions in Crownton and have two interviews lined up.
  B)Since they've seen your resume, you'll be home free.
  A)I hope so. We're looking forward to having you this weekend.
  B)Thanks! See you soon!

・apply for a ~ position:~職に応募する
・have ~ lined up:~が決まっている「line up している状態 → 決まってる」
・You'll be home free.:楽勝です
・have 人: を招待する

- Apply It -
I'm giving it my best shot.
*「give it one's best shot」= 弓で的を射ることが語源.
 (例)How's the apartment hunting coming along? - I'm giving it my best shot.


ラジオ英会話 2020年 6月 復習 後半

Lesson51:「例示のフロー ④ そのほかの語句」

- Key Sentence -
To illustrate your points, you often used examples from your personal experience.
・Let me illustrate this point with some real-life examples.
・There's lots to do yet, like taking out the garbage.
・You should marry someone who would really take care of you, like me.

*「like」= 気楽な例示



1)My professor loves to illustrate his points with lots of examples.
2)I want to find someone like your wife.



Lesson52:「説明のフロー① 説明ルール」

- Key Sentence -
・He told me he loved me.
・I'm not sure what I should do.

・Do you need someone to give you a ride?
・That's the man who stole my bag!

*「説明ルール」= 説明は後ろに置く.英語は常に大切なことが先,説明は後ろに展開
* to不定詞, 動詞ing形, 関係詞節でも,やっていることは同じ。「説明」


-Grammar In Action -

1)My mom told me that I could go to the slumber party.(pajama party)
2)That's the teacher who coaches our soccer team.
* slumber = sleep


Lesson53:「説明のフロー② 単純な言いかえ 」

- Key Sentence -
・Those are called onigiri, or rice balls.
・I went to Ayers Rock, or Uluru, as it is also now officially called.
・Ms. Levine, the mother of the twins, called the police.
・I have a feeling that you're lying.

*「like」= 気楽な例示


-Grammar In Action -

1)Denali, or formerly Mt. McKinley, is a famous mountain in Alaska.
2)Magda, my yoga teacher, complimented me on my flexibility.



Lesson54:「説明のフロー② 複雑な言いかえ」

- Key Sentence -
In other words, you're going to be late!
・You are, in other words, saying that you think my proposal is unworkable.
・This is a restricted area; that is, you can't get in without a security pass.
・You can come to my office; that is, if you still need help.
・The President focused on a key issue; namely, the economy.

 *「In other words」= 文中にもおける.
*「that is (to say)」= 前の表現の詳細や例を伝え、明確に述べる意識.( i.e. とも表記
*「namely」= 直前に述べた内容を具体的な名称で表す


- Grammar In Action -

1)I'll get some tickets for the show; that is, if there are any left.
2)We have two outlets in Tokyo, namely in Shibuya and Ikebukuro.



Lesson56:「比較・対照① 2つの状況の類似性」
- Key Sentence -
・I doubled my quota in my first year as a rep. Similarly, you doubled yours last quarter.
・The two women were similarly dressed. (同じような恰好)
・Smoking is bad for your health. In the same way, drinking too much can damage your health.
Likewise, all our other branches are making budget cuts.
・You need to trust me. Equally, I need to trust you.

*「similarly」= 2つのモノや出来事を比較し,その類似性を述べる.
*「in the same way,likewise,
*「likewise」= フォーマル

- Grammar In Action -
2)あなたと仕事ができて,とても嬉しく思っています - 私も同じですよ

1)Our school has strict rules. Similarly, my parents have too.
2)It's been a real pleasure doing business with you. - Likewise(ditto).


Lesson57:「比較・対照② 一方は,他方は」
- Key Sentence -
・I live in a convenient part of the city. On the other hand, the rent is high.
On the one hand, I want to start my own business; on the other hand, I don't want extra responsibility.
・You're enjoying a nice vacation, while I'm still working 12 hours a day here.
In contrast to railways in other countries, Japanese trains are extremely punctual.
・I like taking risks, whereas my business partners prefer to play it safe.

*「on the other hand」= 2者を対照的に述べる.
*「while」= 二つの出来事が歯車のように同時に回っている
*「in contrast to」= 直接的.「whereas」= 古風.学術的.

- Grammar In Action -
1)コンタクトスポーツは刺激的だ。 一方それらには危険が伴っている。

1)Contact sports are exciting. On the other hand, they are risky.
2)My sister is outgoing, while I'm very shy.
*" contact sports " = 肉体的な接触を伴う競技

Lesson58:「比較・対照③ そのほか
- Key Sentence -
Compared to last year, this year's school festival was a huge success.
In comparison with most other countries, Japan is very safe.
・I thought our working conditions would improve, but, on the contrary, they're getting worse.
*「compare」= 最も基本的な比較.「compared to,compared with,in comparison with」
*「on the contrary」= 前言を強く否定.

- Grammar In Action -
2)クリスは全くケチじゃない。 それどころか彼はとても気前がいいんだ。

1)My golf skills are abysmal compared to Kaito's.
2)Chris is not stingy at all. On the contrary, he's very generous.
3)I thought his latest movie was rather boring in comparison with his others.
*「abysmal」= "abyss(どん底,地の底)" から由来.

Lesson59:「比較・対照④ ~ではなく・~の代わりに」
- Key Sentence -
・I decided to wear shorts instead of trousers.
・I don't feel like going bowling. Let's go to karaoke instead.
・I prefer to watch soccer games on the TV rather than at the stadium.

*「instead of」=「A ではなく」と 打ち消しの感覚を伴う
*「rather than」= 選択や好みを表す.打ち消しの感覚を伴う.

- Grammar In Action -

1)Can I have French fries instead of rice?
2)No problem. I'll catch a ride with Janet instead.
*「catch a ride with人」= ~車に乗せてもらう



- Words&Expression -

「absorbed in(夢中になっている)」
A)I think that makes the lecture much more interesting. Otherwise, the audience would fall asleep!
B)Ha-ha! Today, everyone was completely absorbed in your lecture.
A)That's good to hear. Now, how about some tea?


「No wonder(~してばっかり)」
A)You see, he told me he loved me.
B)What? Why is that a problem? And why are you telling me?
A)Well, I'm not sure what I should do. I'm not interested in him in that way.
b)No wonder he is always asking me questions about you.


「sales quota(販売ノルマ)」
A)You've equaled the record for exceeding the quarterly sales quota.
B)Really? I can't believe it. Who do I share it with?(誰と一緒?)
A)Actually, it's me! I doubled my quota in my first year as a rep.
*rep = representative


「a little down(元気がない)
A)Martin, is something wrong? You seem a little down.
B)Do I? Well, I've been thinking about a girl I met.


 「why don't you just(つべこべ言わずに,とりあえず)」
A)Did you exchange phone numbers?
B)Yes, but she hasn't called me yet.
A)Instead of waiting for her to call you, why don't you just text her?
B) I'll wait a bit longer.


「assertive(積極的に)← ポジティブな印象」
A)I'll wait a bit longer.
B)Come on! Be more assertive!
A)You always say that.


ラジオ英会話 2020年6月 前半

Lesson41:「積み重ねのフロー① too, as well, also」

- Key Sentence -
・I lost 10 kilograms using this new diet. You too can transform your body.
・My boyfriend is great! His house is always clean, and he knows how to cook too!
・You're going to order the veggie burger? I think I'll go for that as well.
・Sharon is highly qualified. Also, she has excellent communication skills.

*「too」=「私は → あなたも」という積み重ねるフロー.
*「too, as well」はよく使う.文末におく.



1)If she gets some chocolates, I want some too!
2)I got a grade A for English and for French as well.
3)They're investing a lot in R&D. We also should do that.
*R&D = research and development



Lesson42:「積み重ねのフロー② in addition, moreover, furthermore」

- Key Sentence -
・This job requires five years' experience. In addition, you need to have a clean driving license.
・You can use this card for public transport. Additionally, you can use it for shopping.
・This coat has poor stitch quality. Moreover, it doesn't suit you at all.
・This coat has poor stitch quality. Furthermore, the leather is stained in places.

*「in addition」= 特殊なニュアンスのない平たい表現.
*「additionally」= 便利に使うことができる単語
*「moreover, furthermore」= さらに重要な話が積み上がる感触.固い.使いかたは「ワンツーパンチ」。最初にコツンと軽いパンチを当てておいて、moreover, further more のあとに強いパンチを当てる要領.
*「furthermore」= パンチが強い.同じ路線の内容を積み上げている感じ.
*「additionally」= 別の内容を積み上げてもいい


-Grammar In Action -

1)We need a projector and a large screen. In addition, we need two wireless microphones.
2)The tickets cost 100 dollars. Additionally, there's a 10-dollar table charge.



Lesson43:「積み重ねのフロー③ what's more, on top of that, besides」

- Key Sentence -
・He is kind and handsome. And what's more, he enjoys the same sports as I do.
・My new job is interesting and stimulating. What's more, the salary is much higher!
・His wallet was stolen, and he caught the stomach flu. On top of that, he missed his flight home!
・I don't want to go hiking. It's boring. Besides, heavy rain is forecast.

*「what's more」= 躍動感のある、口語的な言い方.いくつかの論点を示した後、最後にとどめの一撃をポンと加える勢いで使われる.
*「on top of that」= 勢いがある感じ
*「besides」= それまでの論点と角度の違った、しばしば以外な理由を加えるときに使う.


-Grammar In Action -

1)We'll meet lots of new people, and there'll be great food. And what's more, it's free!
2)He's charming and handsome. And on top of that, he's rich!



Lesson44:「除外のフロー① except, except for」

- Key Sentence -
・We are open every day except Mondays.
・My brothers are similar to me, except that I like traveling to foreign countries.
・We made no stops except to go to the restroom.
Except for one small glitch, the workshop went very smoothly.

*「除外のフロー」で最も基本的なのは except.
*「except」は 節 や to不定詞 などを従えれる
*「except for」= 除外対象にスポットライトを当て際立たせる意識.


- Grammar In Action -

1)I like every subject except math.
2)He's perfect except that he's already married!



Lesson46:「除外のフロー② 話の本筋からの除外」
- Key Sentence -
Apart from that, what else do you know about her?
Aside from my British passport, I also have an Australian one.
Putting aside all our differences, let's try to find a solution to this problem.

*「apart from」= 話の流れから対象を除外する.(apart = 離れて)
*「aside from」= わき(side)に置いておく
*「Putting aside」= ~はさておき

- Grammar In Action -

1)Aside from the economy, what other topics will be discussed?
2)I know everyone here apart from that guy over there.
3)Putting aside your personal feelings, who do you think should get promoted?


Lesson47:「例示のフロー① for example」
- Key Sentence -
・I speak many languages, for example, French and Spanish.
・We could take the day off and go to Hakone, for example.
・Pulses, e.g., lentils and soybeans, are excellent for your body.
・There are lots of women who have made it to the top. Take Margaret Thatcher, for example.

*「話に豊かさと説得力」をもたらす簡単な方法 =「例を挙げる」
*「for example」= 最も基本的.文末にも置ける.(ex.)
*「e.g.」= 書き言葉の方が割合的に多く使われる.ラテン語の「exempli gratia」の略
*「i.e.」= 補足情報・何かをさらに説明.ラテン語「id est(英:that is)」の略。

- Grammar In Action -

1)We sell wines from many countries, e.g., Australia, Chile and South Africa.
2)Portuguese is spoken in several countries in Africa. Take Angora, for example.

Lesson48:「例示のフロー② 多彩な表現:形容詞 + example」
- Key Sentence -
Othello is a classic example of a tragic hero.
・Several factors contribute to global warming. Burning fossil fuels is an obvious example.
・Rajio-Eikaiwa, for instance, is on every morning from 6:45.
・We witnessed numerous cases of extreme malnutrition.
・The VAR system isn't working. The chaos it caused at today's match is a case in point.
*「example」に形容詞を加えれる → 詳しい例
*「classic example」= 典型例
*「for instance」= 使用度は低め
*「case」= ある特定の状況・事例が思い浮かぶ.
*「a case in point」= 代表例,良い例

- Grammar In Action -

1)This church is the most striking example of his architectural style.
2)Many celebrities were born poor. Charlie Chaplin, for instance.
3)Many billionaires started with nothing. Gill Bates is a case in point.

*「born」= 生まれながらにして~

Lesson49:「例示のフロー③ ピックアップ」
- Key Sentence -
・Drinks such as coffee, tea, and fruit juice are complimentary.
・We import many products such as clothes and accessories.
・The report covers a number of areas, particularly funding and advertising.
・I love the impressionist artists - Monet, Degas and Renoir, to name but a few.

*「such as」= いくつかをピックアップする感覚
*「particularly」= 最も代表的な、最も重要な例を取り上げようという気持ち
*「to name but a few」= 多数のものから少しだけピックアップ

- Grammar In Action -

1)Vegetables such as spinach and carrots are rich in nutrition.
2)I will research language-learning trends, particularly in Southeast Asia.



- Words&Expression -

「We're back with(~を用意してきた)」
A)Welcome to the Home Shopping Channel. We're back with another fabulous product. Tanya is here to talk about it.
B)Thanks, Bill. I'm really excited about the Rajiei Shake Diet.
A)What's different about this diet, Tanya?(特徴)


A)So, it's good that you dumped Jordan.
B)Yeah, he was always checking out cute girls when I was with him.


A)He's not that good. I almost always beat him.
B)Maybe he lets you win to be kind.
A)No way! He's very competitive.
B)Just like you!


「You've got to(ぜひ~しなくては!)」
A)Well, she's a great cheerleader.
A)Yes. She senses the music through vibrations. She has great dance skills, and she helps everyone with their moves.
B)You've got to introduce me to her!


遠山顕の英会話楽習 2020年6月 前半


・Taking on the Phone
・Learning Sports Idioms in Telephone Conversations



Dialog1「To Touch Base」
1.A)Hi, Kazuko! I just called to touch base. How's everything?
  A)How do the kids like their new school?
  B)School is in full swing now and they're both adjusting very well, considering.

・touch base:連絡を取る/様子を見る
・How's everything?:しばらく会わなかった相手に使う
・How does A like B?:AはBをどう思っていますか?
・in full swing:フル回転で/たけなわで
・~, considering.:状況の割には ~

2.A)They must … their ….
   B)Dad? You're breaking up.
   A)I can hear you.
   B)Hang on. I'm going to put you on speaker.

・You're breaking up.:あなたの声が途切れています
・Hang on.:待って
・put ~ on speaker :~との通話をスピーカーに切り替える

- Apply It -
I just called to touch base.
*挨拶の表現。「to touch base」は「どんな様子かと思って、しばらく連絡していないので、ちょっと話があって」など多くの意味を表せる、これが便利なので、ビジネスから日常まで広く使われる.


Dialog2「The Front-Runner」
1.A)Sachi joined the drama club.
  B)Wow. How does she like it?
  A)She's getting a kick out of it. She's the front-runner for the lead in a school musical!
  B)Isn't that something!

・drama club:演劇部(発音注意)
・get a kick out of :~に熱中する/~を大いに楽しむ
・the front-runner for: ~の最有力候補
・Isn't that something!:それはすごい(that を高く)

2.A)And George made the wrestling team!
  B)That's a great sport! I did that in high school.
  A)That's what I told him!

・make the ~ team:~チームの一員に選ばれる「作るより,到着する感じ」

- Apply It -
She's the front-runner for the lead in a school musical !
*状況を伝える表現。the front-runner(先頭走者)は「最有力候補」という意味に広がります。何の候補かをfor以下で表す。「be in the second position(2位)」



Dialog3「I'm Rooting for Him」
1.A)George's first match is on Saturday.
  B)What weight class is he in?
  A)130. He thinks the odds are against him.
  B)Why is that? (興味がある表情で)

・weight class:体重別階級
・The odds are against …:…にとって分が悪い・不利だ


2.A)He's going to be wrestling last year's state champion.
  B)He's got a fighting chance. He's a strong boy for his age.
  A)You are right.
  B)Tell him I'm rooting for him.
  A)I will.

・state champion:州チャンピオン
・have got a fighting chance:頑張れば,勝つチャンスがある
・for one's age:年齢の割に


- Apply It -
Tell him I'm rooting for him.
*「I'll be rooting for him」これもよく使われる.「cheer」の方が感情的.



Dialog4「On the Homestretch」
1.A)Are you all settled in now?
  B)Just about. We're on the homestretch. Hold on, I've got another call coming in. (pause) I'm back.

・be settled in:(新しい場所に)落ち着く 
・We're on the homestretch.:最終段階に入っているところ 
・hold on:ちょっと待って( hang on よりもフォーマル)
・have got another call coming in:他の電話が入っている

2.A)When can I come visit?
  B)As soon as we unpacked the boxes in the guest room.
  A)I don't mind that.
  B)Then why don't you drive down this weekend?

・unpack :荷を解く
・drive down:車でやってくる
・come visit:「go, come」の後ろの and はよく省略される.

- Apply It -
We're on the homestretch.
*状況を伝える表現。homestretch は,競馬での最終直線コースのこと.「on the homestretch,in the homestretch」= 最終段階・追い込みの状態.


ラジオ英会話 2020年 5月 復習 practical challenge

Lesson 25(一週目)

- Answer -
Shop manager)You weren't here at opening time. What happened?
You)I'm terribly sorry. I was late due to a train delay. It won't happen again.



- Answer -
Son)Ken is so mad at me.
You)You see, that's why I've told you never to tell a lie. Call him right now and apologize.



Lesson 30(二週目)


- Answer -
Staff)Please go ahead, ma'am.
You)We have an increasing number of international guests. So, I need all of you to listen to Rajio-Eikaiwa every day so you can improve your English skills.


- Answer -
Wife)Oh, you're back.
You)Hi. Yesterday, I was asked to work late by the boss. After work, I rushed to the station, only to find the last train had gone. I had to take a taxi.

*be on a business trip = 出張という活動上にあるため「on」を使用。



Lesson 35(三週目)

- Answer -
Friend)Why do you love your father so much?
You)He's always there for us, that's why. In spite of all his hard work and his tight schedule, he makes time to be with us.
*be there for = …のためにそこにいる → 「支える・助ける・味方になる」



- Answer -
Friend)That's a total waste of money.
You)Well, the exam may be difficult, but nothing's impossible if you try hard enough. Whatever happens, I will pass.



Lesson 40(四週目)

- Answer -
Brother)This is our first date. We'll go to the Zo Zoo, and after that we'll have dinner at an Indian restaurant.
You)I hope you have a great time. Good luck. Oh, and make sure you have some cash on you just in case they don't accept credit cards.


- Answer -
Co-worker)Hi, what's up?
You)Look. This is a special recipe for clam chowder I got from my grandma. You should follow it to the letter, okay? Otherwise, you'll spoil it.
*to the letter = 文字通りに、厳密に

ラジオ英会話 2020年 5月 復習 後半

Lesson31:「 譲歩のフロー② 変わらない」

- Key Sentence -
・I understand it's a holiday. All the same, we need you to come to work.
・I treat my girlfriend like a queen. Still, she's not satisfied.
・My head is still killing me.
Nevertheless, it's a good idea to keep some money for a rainy day.

*「all the same」= それにもかかわらず・まったく変わることなく。「変わらないよ」が意味の中心。逆方向の状況はあれ、意見や立場に変わりはないことを示す。
*「still, nevertheless」= 不変のイメージの単語



1)The marathon was very tough, but I enjoyed it all the same.
2)It was clear she was going to lose, but still she fought to the very end.
*to the very end = 最後まで,とことん



Lesson32:「譲歩のフロー③ 逆向きの力」

- Key Sentence -
・We went there in spite of the bad weather.
・We played soccer despite the fact that it was raining.
・I heard a rumor that Risa is moving to Osaka.

*「spite」= 悪意。何か・誰かを傷つけようとする意志。→「事の成就を妨げる逆向きの力=逆境」を感じさせる表現。「despite」も同じ意味。" the fact that " は訳さなくていい。文を都合よく名詞化するだけ。


-Grammar In Action -

1)In spite of his shyness, he asked her for a date.
2)They got married despite the difference in their ages.
3)She never puts on weight despite the fact that she eats like a horse!

* eat like a horse = 大食いをする



Lesson33:「譲歩のフロー④ wh語を使った譲歩 」

- Key Sentence -
・However hard I tried, I couldn't open it.
・Whatever you say, some people will misunderstand you.
・Whoever you pick as captain, we will support you.
・No matter how hard I tried, I couldn't open it.

*「wh 語+ever」は譲歩を表す表現。ever は「どれをとってもいい」と選択を最大限に開く単語。程度を表す how と結びつけば however(どれほど~しても)となる。
*「no matter + wh」も同じ意味。「どんなに~でも重要じゃない」


-Grammar In Action -

1)Wherever you go, I will follow you.
2)No matter when you go, there are always long lines.



Lesson34:「譲歩のフロー⑤ whether, if」

- Key Sentence -
・Whether you like it or not, you have to do it.
・I don't care if you have no money.
・I don't care even if you have no money.
Even though he never smiles, he always makes me smile.

 *「whether」は二択。「if」= 仮定 → 譲歩。「even though」は事実。


- Grammar In Action -

1)Whether you like it or not, this is the rule, so you have to respect it.
2)I'm not taking him back, even if he begs me on bended knee!

*beg = プライド捨ててお願いと請う



Lesson36:「条件設定のフロー① if の価値」
- Key Sentence -
・If you carry on like this, I'll have to kick you off the team.
・If you don't stop playing around, I'll divorce you.
・If you exercise more, you'll feel much more energetic.
・What if we have a picnic this Saturday?

*" if " は「圧力、脅し、アドバイス、提案」の意図で使われる事がある。「圧力」→ 自分の思いのままに動かそうとする意図が働いている。
*「what if」= その考えている人の考えが漫画のように頭から出てきて、「こうしたらどうだろう、ああしたらどうだろう」そうした精神活動が感じられる。

- Grammar In Action -

1)If you don't start treating me better, I'll break up with you!
2)What if we go to a spa this weekend?


Lesson37:「条件設定のフロー② 否定的条件設定」
- Key Sentence -
・If she doesn't get down here in time, I'm leaving.
・I'm not going unless you invite Pam too.
・I'll be surprised if Zach doesn't get chosen as captain.

*高い圧力を表す「if」は,これからの内容に出来事がすでに展開している感触の進行形を使うことがある。必ずそうなると相手に圧力をかけているのです。(if 文で 助動詞以外を使う例外パターン)。
*「if not」= ただの否定的条件。「unless」= 範囲設定のニュアンス。

- Grammar In Action -

1)She'll be devastated if she doesn't get into a top university.
2)You can't get into this club unless you wear a jacket and tie.
*" devastated " = 精神的に打ちのめす,

Lesson38:「条件設定のフロー③ 条件の周りにある表現(just in case, as long as)」
- Key Sentence -
・I'll go with you just in case.
・I'm taking a phone charger with me in case the battery runs low.
・I will love you as long as I live.
・As long as you don't do anything stupid, you'll be fine.
*「in case, just in case」= ~するといけないから → 念のため。
*「as long as」= ~する限り。longは時間的長さ

- Grammar In Action -

1)It's always good to back up your data just in case.
2)I bought us some sandwiches in case we get hungry.
3)You can play video games as long as you finish all your homework first.

Lesson39:「条件設定のフロー④ さもないと」
- Key Sentence -
・Otherwise, we'll probably both catch a cold.
・Just shut up and listen. Otherwise, you'll be sorry.(後悔)
・Be there at 10 a.m. on the dot, or we'll leave without you!

*「-wise」は " way(道)" を表す語尾。道 →「clockwise, lengthwise, likewise」など「方向, 方法, 様子」の意味につながっています。
*「otherwise」→ 別の方向。高い必要性を示したり、命令など強いい指示を行ったりした後、「そうでなければ」と続けるこのフロー。「or」も同じく。

- Grammar In Action -

1)We'd better apply for tickets ASAP. Otherwise, they will all be sold out.
2)Take your job more seriously. Otherwise, you may get sacked.
*「ASAP」= as soon as possible
*「sacked」= クビになる



- Words&Expression -

「do you have a minute?(相手とちょっと話したい)」
A)Ben, do you have a minute?
B)Sure, Tia. What's up?
A)Can you come into work tomorrow? Something just came up today.
*" come into work " = 出社する。 " come up " = 何かが起こる(ここでは問題)


「it can't be helped(仕方がない)」
A)I understand it's a holiday. All the same, we need you to come to work.
B)Normally, I'd say no problem. But we're having an important family reunion tomorrow that I can't possibly miss.
A)Well, I guess it can't be helped, then. Okay, don't worry about it.
*" I can't possibly miss " = どうしても抜けれない


「what happened to your(なにが起こったの?)」
A)Jonas, what happened to your finger? Did you cut yourself?
B)Yes, I'm afraid I did. I had a little accident in the kitchen.
A)Were you peeling potatoes again?
B)No, not this time.


「end up(~にすることに結局なる)
A)So, how did you cut yourself?
B)I ended up using a can opener and my hand slipped. I did finally open the jar, though.


 「be smart with(生意気な口を利く)」
A)Todd, what are you doing playing with your phone? You promised to do your homework.
B)Mom, you're supposed to knock on the door first
A)Don't be smart with me, young man.


「There is no hot water(お湯が出ません)」
A)Hi, honey. I'm home!
B)Hi. How was your day?
A)It was fine, except for this morning. There was no hot water again, so I had to take a cold shower.
B)It's happening more and more recently. Our water heater is too old.


「First thing in the morning(朝一)」
A)We'll have to get it fixed soon. Otherwise, we'll probably both catch a cold.
B)Okay, I'll call the repair people first thing tomorrow morning.
A)Thanks, honey.

遠山顕の英会話楽習 2020年5月 後半


・The Weather of the Four Seasons
・Learning Words and Expressions Related to Weather



Dialog5「Downgraded to a Tropical Storm」
1.A)Our meteorologist, Peter Misora, has the latest on Hurricane Lulu. Peter?
  B)Well, Wendy, Hurricane Lulu has been downgraded to a tropical storm.
  A)That's good.

・be downgraded to ~:~に降格する/降格される
・tropical storm:熱帯暴風雨
・the latest on:~の最新情報


2.A)Nonetheless, people on Green Island are bracing for high winds and torrential downpours.
   B)Even though it's not a hurricane, people should still take extra precautions?
   A)That's right.
   B)Thanks, Peter. Everyone, stay safe.

・brace for ~:~に備える
・high wind:強風
・torrential downpour:集中豪雨
・take extra precautions:十二分に警戒する
・Stay safe.:安全に/気をつけて

- Apply It -
Hurricane Lulu has been downgraded to a tropical storm.
*状況を伝える表現。「be/get downgraded to ..」= …に降格する。反対に「be upgraded to ...」= 昇格する。

(例)The typhoon is losing its strength. It's been downgraded to the tropical depression.


Dialog6「The Wind Is Picking Up 」
1.A)You got in some good shots!
  B)Thanks. I couldn't have done it without you.
  A)Why don't you take one more photo of the autumn leaves in the mist.

・I couldn't have done it without you.:おかげでうまくいきました
・autumn leaves:紅葉/枯れ葉
・get in some good shots:いい写真が撮れる

2.A)Was that thunder?
  B)It sounded like it.
     A)The wind is picking up.
     B)I felt a raindrop.
     A)Let's call it a day and head back.

・feel a raindrop:ポツンと来る
・call it a day:今日はここまでにする/切り上げる
・head back:引き上げる

- Apply It -
The wind is picking up.

*「pick up」 = 勢いが増す。(例)スピード、売れ行き、経済景気。逆は「The wind is dropping」



Dialog7「Temperatures Will Rise by 10 Degrees」
1.A)The cold snap last week brought subfreezing temperatures. Any good news, Peter?
  B)Yes and no. The good news is that tomorrow there'll be sunny skies. And temperatures will rise by 10 degrees.
・cold snap:突然の寒波
・subfreezing: 氷点下
・yes and no.: どちらとも言えません
・There'll be sunny skies.:快晴になるでしょう


2.A)But don't get your hopes up. On Friday, it'll be partly sunny with a 90 percent chance of snow.
  B)Winter isn't over yet!
  A)I'm afraid not.

・Don’t get your hopes up.:あまり期待しない方がいいですよ
・partly sunny:ところにより晴れ
・percent chance of snow (rain): 降雪(雨)確率~% 


- Apply It -
Temperatures will rise by 10 degrees.
*地域により最高気温に差がある →「 temperatures」のように限定しない複数無冠詞に。ぼんやりしてる。「rise」の反対は「fall, drop



Dialog8「Not Too Cold for You? 」
1.A)It's not too cold for you, Helen?
  B)No, I'm fine, Yukio. It's like walking in a winter wonderland.
  A)Be careful now. The sidewalk is icy.

・walk in a winter wonderland:冬の不思議の国を歩く 
・Be careful now.:さあこのあたり気をつけてください

2.A)Yikes! I almost lost my balance.
  B)Take short steps and walk slowly.
  A)I'm not wearing the right shoes for this. It's really slippery.
  B)Here, hold my hand.

・almost lose one's balance:もう少しで倒れそうになる
・take short steps:小刻みに歩く
・slippery: すべりやすい

- Apply It -
It's not too cold for you?
*「Too cold for you?」と短縮可能。形容詞を入れ替えていろいろ応用。


NHKラジオ遠山顕の英会話楽習 2020年 05 月号 [雑誌]

NHKラジオ遠山顕の英会話楽習 2020年 05 月号 [雑誌]

  • 発売日: 2020/04/14
  • メディア: 雑誌