はるお - haruo



遠山顕の英会話楽習 2020年5月 後半


・The Weather of the Four Seasons
・Learning Words and Expressions Related to Weather



Dialog5「Downgraded to a Tropical Storm」
1.A)Our meteorologist, Peter Misora, has the latest on Hurricane Lulu. Peter?
  B)Well, Wendy, Hurricane Lulu has been downgraded to a tropical storm.
  A)That's good.

・be downgraded to ~:~に降格する/降格される
・tropical storm:熱帯暴風雨
・the latest on:~の最新情報


2.A)Nonetheless, people on Green Island are bracing for high winds and torrential downpours.
   B)Even though it's not a hurricane, people should still take extra precautions?
   A)That's right.
   B)Thanks, Peter. Everyone, stay safe.

・brace for ~:~に備える
・high wind:強風
・torrential downpour:集中豪雨
・take extra precautions:十二分に警戒する
・Stay safe.:安全に/気をつけて

- Apply It -
Hurricane Lulu has been downgraded to a tropical storm.
*状況を伝える表現。「be/get downgraded to ..」= …に降格する。反対に「be upgraded to ...」= 昇格する。

(例)The typhoon is losing its strength. It's been downgraded to the tropical depression.


Dialog6「The Wind Is Picking Up 」
1.A)You got in some good shots!
  B)Thanks. I couldn't have done it without you.
  A)Why don't you take one more photo of the autumn leaves in the mist.

・I couldn't have done it without you.:おかげでうまくいきました
・autumn leaves:紅葉/枯れ葉
・get in some good shots:いい写真が撮れる

2.A)Was that thunder?
  B)It sounded like it.
     A)The wind is picking up.
     B)I felt a raindrop.
     A)Let's call it a day and head back.

・feel a raindrop:ポツンと来る
・call it a day:今日はここまでにする/切り上げる
・head back:引き上げる

- Apply It -
The wind is picking up.

*「pick up」 = 勢いが増す。(例)スピード、売れ行き、経済景気。逆は「The wind is dropping」



Dialog7「Temperatures Will Rise by 10 Degrees」
1.A)The cold snap last week brought subfreezing temperatures. Any good news, Peter?
  B)Yes and no. The good news is that tomorrow there'll be sunny skies. And temperatures will rise by 10 degrees.
・cold snap:突然の寒波
・subfreezing: 氷点下
・yes and no.: どちらとも言えません
・There'll be sunny skies.:快晴になるでしょう


2.A)But don't get your hopes up. On Friday, it'll be partly sunny with a 90 percent chance of snow.
  B)Winter isn't over yet!
  A)I'm afraid not.

・Don’t get your hopes up.:あまり期待しない方がいいですよ
・partly sunny:ところにより晴れ
・percent chance of snow (rain): 降雪(雨)確率~% 


- Apply It -
Temperatures will rise by 10 degrees.
*地域により最高気温に差がある →「 temperatures」のように限定しない複数無冠詞に。ぼんやりしてる。「rise」の反対は「fall, drop



Dialog8「Not Too Cold for You? 」
1.A)It's not too cold for you, Helen?
  B)No, I'm fine, Yukio. It's like walking in a winter wonderland.
  A)Be careful now. The sidewalk is icy.

・walk in a winter wonderland:冬の不思議の国を歩く 
・Be careful now.:さあこのあたり気をつけてください

2.A)Yikes! I almost lost my balance.
  B)Take short steps and walk slowly.
  A)I'm not wearing the right shoes for this. It's really slippery.
  B)Here, hold my hand.

・almost lose one's balance:もう少しで倒れそうになる
・take short steps:小刻みに歩く
・slippery: すべりやすい

- Apply It -
It's not too cold for you?
*「Too cold for you?」と短縮可能。形容詞を入れ替えていろいろ応用。


NHKラジオ遠山顕の英会話楽習 2020年 05 月号 [雑誌]

NHKラジオ遠山顕の英会話楽習 2020年 05 月号 [雑誌]

  • 発売日: 2020/04/14
  • メディア: 雑誌