はるお - haruo



ラジオ英会話 「今週のREVIEW」2019年10月25 Lesson136



Q1: Will the woman get other pet?
Q2: Which of the following is true?
Q3: Which is more important for the woman?
Q4: Where did the man argue?

A1 (b) Probably no.
A2 (b) The man doesn’t know Akemi’s feelings for him.
A3 (a) Actions.
A4 (c) On the internet.


- Practical Challenge -


- Simple Answer -
It sounds like you argued with your wife again. But look. Is she the only one to blame? I doubt it. It takes two to tango.
I think both of you should learn to respect each other’s opinions.
Go talk to her. I know she loves you, and you can make up with her. 

*" It takes two to tango. " = 喧嘩両成
*" make up with ... " = ~と仲直りする 

- Advanced Answer -
Come on. I doubt very much that you really mean that. I guess you both lost your temper and ended up having a big argument.
Look. Suppose you stay here until you’ve cooled down, and then try to make up with him.
I’m sure he’ll respect you even more for taking the first step. 

*" mean " = 本気で言っている