はるお - haruo



遠山顕の英会話楽習 2020年8月 後半


・The Weather of the Four Seasons
・Learning Words and Expressions Related to Weather



Dialog5「Coming Up Is Kaminarimon」
1.A)Coming up is Kaminarimon, literally the thunder gate. It's famous for that huge red lantern.
  B)Very impressive! What do those statues represent?
  A)This one symbolizes the god of thunder, and that one symbolizes the god of wind.
  A)Shall we make our way to the temple now?
  B)Oh. One more photo!

・Coming up is ~:さあ次は~です
・Shall we make our way to ~ now?:では~へ向かいましょうか?
・Very impressive!:発音「ve-を高くして-ryをしっかり下げる」

- Apply It -
Coming up is Kaminarimon.

*「~is coming up.」の倒置文で、来るべきものを強調する常とう手段。倒置したことで強調が行われます。日本語として自然に聞こえるように「さあ」という言葉を加えました.


Dialog6「It's Not for Everyone」
1.A)This is one of the oldest shopping streets in Japan.
  B)Can we stop at this stall? Those pancakes look good.
  A)They're actually dorayaki.
  B)One dorayaki, please.
  A)My treat.
  B)Thanks. Hm, what's inside this? It's super sweet!
  A)The filling is made of red bean paste. It's not for everyone.
  B)I like it. Japan has great snacks.

・It's not for everyone.:好き嫌いがあるものなので/万人向きではありません
・my treat:私のおごり
・red bean paste:小豆のペースト

- Apply It -
It's not for everyone.


* 向き不向きがある、と断りを入れるときに便利な表現.


Dialog7「A Great Souvenir ― Goshuin」
1.A)Thank you. Arigato Gozaimasu. Oh, my! Look at this! It's a masterpiece!
  B)I'll say!
  A)Can I bring this book to all the temples I visit?
  B)You can. I think it makes for a great souvenir.
  A)Definitely. The calligraphy is gorgeous! What does this say?
  B)(Laughing.) You got me!

・great souvenir:とてもいい思い出の品
・I'll say!:そうですよね!
・X makes for Y:XはYというものになる
・You got me!:痛いところを突かれました「I don't know.の婉曲表現」


- Apply It -
I think it makes for a great souvenir.

*「X makes for Y」= X は Y の方向へ進む、あるいは Y はその結果として存在しうる、というイメージ.説明は硬いですけれども、よく使われます。日常会話でも使われます



Dialog8「Thank You for Taking Me Around」
1.A)Oh, I'm beat ― jet-lagged.
  B)Where are you off to tomorrow?
  A)I'm taking a tour of the fish market.
  B)Good. You'll be up bright and early, anyway.
  A)(Laughing.) Right. Say, thank you for taking me around to see the sights today.
  B)It was my pleasure. This is your stop coming up.
  A)Okay. Keep in touch.
  B)Will do. Bye.

・I'm beat!:ものすごく疲れました!
・be off to ~:~へ出かける
・be up bright and early: 朝早く起きる
・see the sights:名所見物する
・This is your stop coming up.:この次はあなたの降りる駅ですよ
・Will do. :もちろん(そうします)

- Apply It -
Say, thank you for taking me around to see the sights today.


*「take ... around」= …を案内する