はるお - haruo



遠山顕の英会話楽習 2020年5月 前半


・The Weather of the Four Seasons
・Learning Words and Expressions Related to Weather



Dialog1「What’s the Weather Like?」
1.What’s the weather like outside? - The sun’s coming out. It’s a great day for a walk.

・What’s the weather like? :どんな天気 ?
・The sun’s coming out.:太陽が出てきます
・a great day for -:〜日和

2.Wait up! Let me grab my jacket.


3.A warbler's in the yard, the daffodils're in the full broom and the cherry tree's strating to bud. - Spring has sprung!

・in full bloom:満開で
・Spring has sprung!:春が来ました!

- Apply It -
What’s the weather like outside?
*海外では、" What’s the weather like in Japan " と聞かれる。


Dialog2「It’s overcast」
1.A)I’m going to Lookout Point with a friend to watch the meteor shower.
  B)Really? It’s overcast right now.
  A)It’s supposed to clear up by midnight.

・Lookout Point:見晴らし台
・meteor shower:流星群
・clear up: (雲が切れて)晴れる

2.A)Want to come?
  B)Oh, I have an early day tomorrow. But, thanks anyway.

・Want to come?:Do you want to come?
・have an early day:朝が早い
・Thanks anyway: せっかくだけど

- Apply It -
It’s overcast.
*空全体を表した表現。" the sky overcast " . 



Dialog3「It was a dark, stormy night.」
1.A)Dad, are you awake?
  B)I am now.

・I am now.:I am awake now.の略


  A)Dad! What was that?
  B)Holy mackerel! Our little cherry tree just got struck by lightning!
  A)Oh, no! I'd rather have a ghost.
  B)Relax. Everything is going to be okay.

・Holy mackerel!:何てこった「神聖なサバ(聖書が由来?)」
・get struck by lightning: 雷が(主語)に落ちる
・I'd rather have ~: ~があった方がまし


- Apply It -
It’s just the wind blowing.
*状況を伝える表現。It's just A B-ing.(ただ A が B しているだけです)のパターン。「It's just rain hitting the window.」など広く使える



Dialog4「35 with a Heat Index of 41」
1.A)It looks like a perfect day for the beach.
  B)I'm not so sure about that. I'm already sweating.

・I'm not so sure about that.:それはどうでしょうか

2.A)We'll go swimming at Volcano Lake and cool off.
  B)Take a look at this : The temperature is 35 with a heat index of 41!
  A)Let's go back inside and turn on the air conditioner.
  B)I won't say no to that.

・cool off :涼む
・go back inside:家の中に戻る
・I won't say no to that.:もっともなご意見です
・heat index of ~: ~度の体感温度

- Apply It -
The temperature is 35 with a heat index of 41!
 気温 35 度体感温度は 41 度ですよ!
*状況を伝える表現。" a heat index " = 体感温度。もう一つの言い方が「a feels-like temperature」.  I feel likeではなくit feels like. 。 このなんか漠然とした " it " が「なんとなくそんな風に感じる」ということで、it feels likeの it をとった形。feels-like.


NHKラジオ遠山顕の英会話楽習 2020年 05 月号 [雑誌]

NHKラジオ遠山顕の英会話楽習 2020年 05 月号 [雑誌]

  • 発売日: 2020/04/14
  • メディア: 雑誌