はるお - haruo



ラジオ英会話 2019年 1月 復習 practical challenge

Lesson 185(一週目)

- Simple Answer -
Hey, this is the book my teacher wrote. He traveled around the world and did a lot of research on people that still keep their traditional culture. Just take a look.

- Advanced Answer -
Hi! Check this out. It’s the book my teacher wrote. He visited countries all around the globe, collecting fascinating information on traditional cultures. You can borrow it if you like.

*Hey = 注目を引くための単語



Lesson 190(二週目)


- Simple Answer -
Fortunately, I have a friend whose father is the president of a car dealership.
You may get a great offer.
I’ll get in touch with him as soon as I can.

- Advanced Answer -
It’s your lucky day, because I know a guy whose father is the president of a car dealership.
I’m pretty sure he’ll give you a sizable discount.
I’lI give him a call and get back to you, OK?

*great offer = すばらしい価格
*sizable = かなり大きな
*get back to  = 〜に折り返し連絡する



Lesson 195(三週目)


- Simple Answer -
Do you remember? This is the park where we had our first date.
That was the most romantic experience that I’ve had in my life.
Thank you for everything that you’ve done for me since then.

- Advanced Answer -
Doesn’t this place bring back such wonderful memories?
It’s the park where we came on our first date.
That was definitely one of the most romantic experiences of my life.
I want to thank you for all the precious moments we’ve shared since that time.



Lesson 200(四週目)


- Simple Answer -
I went to Nagoya to attend my best friend’s wedding ceremony last weekend.
I stayed at the Misonikomi Hotel, which some friends said was just awesome.
I really enjoyed my stay.

- Advanced Answer -
I had the pleasure of attending the wedding ceremony of one of my best friends in Nagoya last Sunday.
I stayed at the Misonikomi Hotel, which some other friends recommended to me as being truly fantastic. They were right. I was treated like royalty.

* " how dare +主語+動詞" =「よくも〜できるものだ
* " insult " =「侮辱する
* " the heck" = the hell の婉曲表現で「一体全体」。
* " control oneself " =「自制する
* " Just do it " =「とにかくやれ