はるお - haruo



ラジオ英会話 2018年11月30日 Lesson160 今週のREVIEW

・「過去分詞形 , 節」をマスターする。


Lesson156:「文の中の小さな文:節③ if / whether 節」

A) Rika, I don’t like cleaning the classroom every day. It’s so boring.
B) Whether you like it or not isn’t important. We have to do it. It’s part of being a student at this school.
A) In the U.S., students don’t have to clean the classroom. Professionals do it at night.
B) Well, that’s the American way, but we are in Japan. This is the Japanese way.
A) I see. Well, there is one good thing about the Japanese way.
B) What’s that?
A) Students will take better care of the classroom to keep it clean.
B) Exactly.


Lesson157:「文の中の小さな文:節④ wh 節」

A) It was a great welcome party on Friday.
B) Yes. Tasha had a great time.
A) I think she is a very interesting person. She’s into all kinds of activities, including playing the guitar in a band.
B) Right. But where she lives is a mystery. When I accompanied her to the station, she told me she lived in Ogikubo, but I saw her getting on a train going in the opposite direction. I’m not sure if she was telling the truth.
A) I think she lives in Okubo, not Ogikubo.
B) Oh, the names sound so similar to me. Maybe I misheard her.


Lesson158:「文の中の小さな文:節⑤ 疑問の気持ちが宿る場所」

A) Aaaagh!
B) Andy, what’s up?
A) This copy machine is driving me nuts.
B) What are you trying to do?
A) I’m trying to copy double-sided. But every time it prints on the same side. Can you tell me where I’m going wrong?
B) Ha ha!
A) What’s so funny?
B) Er, sorry, but this machine has automatic double-sided printing. All you have to do is press the " Print on Both Sides " button. It’s right here.
A) Oh, I never noticed that button. How embarrassing!
B) Don’t worry about it.


A) Kaya, thank you for taking me to that comedy show. I didn’t know Risa did standup comedy in English. Her English is so good.
B) Yeah, Risa was really funny tonight. You know, both Risa and I are Japanese, but we do standup comedy in English here in Tokyo. We are sort of rivals.
A) Ah, I really admire the way you guys face such a tough challenge. By the way, I heard a rumor that Risa is moving to Osaka.
B) Yeah, she told me that she wants to improve her comedy skills. Osaka is a good place for that.
A) Right. People in the Kansai area have a really good sense of humor.


- Practical Challenge -

- Simple Answer -
As soon as I got off the Yamanote Line train, I noticed that I had left my tennis racket on it.I didn’t know what I should do, but then I got a great idea. I waited for the same train to come back. Whether you believe it or not, my racket was still there!

* get off = 降りる , get on = 乗る
*" noticed that I had left " =気づく前に置き忘れたから過去完了

- Advanced Answer -

I left my tennis racket on a Yamanote Line train.
At first I panicked, but then a brilliant idea came to me. Why don’t I wait until the same train comes back round?
Whether I could find it or not was in the lap of the Gods, but luckily, it was still there, and with a cute ribbon on it!

*" in the lap of the Gods " =運しだい、神のみぞ知る

" lap " = 膝の上、ここには物をのせるスペースがある。神(自身)だけが触れれる特別なスペース。そうした、神のスペースにあることから、ゆだねられてとなる。


NHKラジオラジオ英会話 2018年 11 月号 [雑誌]

NHKラジオラジオ英会話 2018年 11 月号 [雑誌]