はるお - haruo



ラジオ英会話 「今週のREVIEW」2019年8月30 Lesson100



Q1: Who is the man that Burt saw?
Q2: What does the woman want to do?
Q3: What did the shop employee do?
Q4: Why can’t the man order a cake?

A1 (b) Alice’s father
A2 (c) To take a selfie.
A3 (a) She checked the stock of mosquito coils.
A4 (b) Because he is on a diet.


- Practical Challenge -
「昨日の夜私に起こったこと、聞いてくれる? 家に帰るとすぐに見られている感じがしたの。窓から外を見ても誰もいなかったわ。突然カーテンが動いて、2つの大きな目が私をジッと見ているのに気がついたの。それ、私が飼っているかわいいネコちゃんだったのよ」


- Simple Answer -
(What’s new? )
Well, let me tell you what happened last night.
As soon as I got home, I got the feeling that I was being watched. I looked out the window but saw nobody. Then suddenly, the curtain moved, and I saw two big eyes staring at me. It was my cute little cat!
*" Mr. Right " = 理想の男性

- Advanced Answer -
(What’s new?)
Well, a funny thing happened to me last night. As I was opening my front door, I felt that I was being watched. I glanced around me but saw no one. I thought I must be imagining things. But then, suddenly, a fox jumped out from the bushes and stood staring at me. I ran into my house and slammed the door shut.

*" bushes " = しげみ
*" imagin things " = ありもしないことをあると思い込む
*" slam " = (窓・ドアなど)をバタンと閉める


NHKラジオ ラジオ英会話 2019年 8月号 [雑誌] (NHKテキスト)