はるお - haruo



ラジオ英会話 「Don't mention it, my little princess. I'll always be there for you」2019年2月12日 Lesson208




Amy)Uncle Daniel, I'm getting nervous about playing in the piano recital tomorrow.
Uncle)Just relax. You'll do fine. You've practiced hard for months. There's no need to worry.
AmyI know. But what if I make a mistake?
Uncle)Here. Have this candy. You'll become completely relaxed.
Amy)Just by eating candy?
Uncle)Absolutely. Because it's my special magic candy!
Oh, Uncle, you're awesome! Thank you.
Uncle)Don't mention it, my little princess. I'll always be there for you.


*in ages = しばらく
*sharpen = (知性などを)鋭くする


- Check your grammar -
① get「動き」
 I'm getting nervous about playing in the piano recital tomorrow.

② 励ましの流れ

 Just relax. You'll do fine. You've practiced hard for months. There's no need to worry.


*" addition " = 新人


- Build up your vocabulary -

Don't mention it, my little princess. I'll always be there for you.

* " mention " = 軽く触れる・言及する
* " Don't mention it. " = んなことを言う必要はありませんよ=お気になさらずに。相手からの感謝やおわびに対応する定型表現。

* どういたしまして

 ① You're welcome.
 ② That's OK. / It's all right. / Don't worry.
 ③ Not at all.
 ④ (It was) no trouble (at all). 「フォーマル」
 ⑤ (It's) my pleasure. 「好意的」

 ⑥ The pleasure was (all) mine. 「とてもフォーマル」


・I'll always stand by you.
・I've got / I have your back.



- Express yourself in English -
1) 大丈夫だよ。いつでも頼ってくれていいよ。
2) 喜んで。いつでもお手伝いしますよ。
3) 大丈夫。僕がついているよ。

1) That's OK. You can always rely on me.
2) It's my pleasure. Anytime!
3) Don't worry. I've got your back.

 1) " going for an interview " = 面接を受ける
 2) " look after " = 後ろから見守るイメージ