はるお - haruo



ラジオ英会話 「The server brought some hot sauce for you」2019年5月13日 Lesson26

・ もっと深く前置詞の感覚を学ぶ



 A) David, thanks for taking me to this cute little Mexican restaurant.
 B) It’s my pleasure, Nana. It’s actually my first time here. How’s your burrito?
 A) It’s delicious. The chicken inside is so tender and tasty.
 B) Mine is OK, but it needs something.
 A) Wow, you speak Spanish? And look. The server brought some hot sauce for you.
 B) Yes, this is the kind that Mexicans use. It’s very hot.
 A) Wow, you’re putting on a lot.
 B) Yeah, I like my food super spicy!

*" tender " =「肉」に関しては " soft " は使わん
*" Kids today " = 今どきの子供


- Check your grammar -
① Thanks for taking me to this cute little Mexican restaurant.
② It’s my pleasure.

*①の " for " は理由。

・Don’t mention it.
・Not at all.
・It was no trouble (at all).
・That’s OK.
・That’s all right.



- Build up your vocabulary -
The server brought some hot sauce for you.

*ここの " for " は「授与」を示す。受け手が強調される。" to " は到達点を示しているだけだが、" for " には「ために」というニュアンスがる。" buy, make, choose " は for を、" give " は to を使う。理由は単なる動作を意味し、良くも悪くも使えるから。

・Helen brought these samples to me.
・Chris made carrot cake for the staff.
・She gave this book to me.


- Express yourself in English -
1) 彼女は会う人すべてにそのよい知らせを話した。
2) 私はガールフレンドに銀のネックレスを買ってあげた。

1) She told the happy news to everyone she met.
2) I bought a silver necklace for my girlfriend.

2)" to " は buy とは合わないため使えない