はるお - haruo



ラジオ英会話 「I really appreciate your clearing the snow from the path」2019年2月11日 Lesson207




Sean)OK, Mrs. Kudo, I think that's it!
Kudo)I really appreciate your clearing the snow from the path.
Sean)No problem. I needed the exercise. It was fun.
Kudo)I was worried because the snow turns into ice at night, and people slip on it.
Sean)Yes, I've slipped on ice many times.
Kudo)It's cold out here. Please come inside. I've made some oshiruko for you.
Sean)What's that?
Kudo)It's sweet red bean soup with rice cakes.
Sean)Sounds awesome!


*in ages = しばらく
*sharpen = (知性などを)鋭くする


- Check your grammar -
① that's it! 「" it " の意味の薄さ → 多彩な表現」
 I think that's it!
 We need to invest more in R&D. - That's it!
 Her name is on the tip of my tongue. Ah, Jenny. - That's it!

② 現在形完了形

 I've made some oshiruko for you.


*" addition " = 新人


- Build up your vocabulary -

I really appreciate your clearing the snow from the path.

* " Thank you " = お礼の中で最も気軽に高頻度で使われる
* " appreciate " = thank you では足りない感謝を感じた時に使う。「価値を認める → してくれた事に高く評価」
* " would appreciate " = してくれる前に感謝

 ① Thanks.
 ② Thanks a lot. 「嫌味にも思われる → 感謝の意が必要」
 ③ Cheers. 「イギリス特有。乾杯にも使う」
 ④ I can't thank you enough. 「深い感謝」


・My husband doesn't appreciate me.
 A)Would you like me to post the letter for you?
 B)Could you? I would really appreciate it.
 いいの? そうしてくれればとてもありがたいのだけど。



- Express yourself in English -
1) ご親切に本当に感謝致します。
2) お伝えすることができないほどこのことに感謝しています。
3) このエリアで、電話をお使いになることをご遠慮いただけるとありがたいのですが。

1) I really appreciate your kindness.
2) I can't tell you how much I appreciate this.
3) I would appreciate it if you would refrain from using your phone in this area.

 1) " going for an interview " = 面接を受ける
 2) " look after " = 後ろから見守るイメージ