はるお - haruo



遠山顕の英会話楽習 Dialog8「Spick and Span」 2020年1月28

・「Ham and Eggs & Rock'n' Roll」
・「Learning Fixed Pairs of Words」


Dialog8「Spick and Span

Father) All right. Let's get going ― on the double.
Son)What should I do?
Father)Mop the kitchen floor spick and span before Mom comes home!
Daughter)What about me?
Father)You're in charge of folding the laundry nice and neat.
Daughter)Mom just pulled in the driveway.
Father)Okay, stop what you're doing. I'll light the candles on the birthday cake.


- Words & Expressions -
・spick and span ピカピカに
・get going 始める
・on the double 大急ぎで
・What about me?  私はどうなの?
・in charge of ~ ~の係・担当で
・nice and neat きちんと
・pull in (車や列車が)入ってくる
・driveway ガレージへ続く私道


- Apply It -
Mop the kitchen floor spick and span.

*指示する表現。" spick and span " には「ピカピカツルツル」にといった響きがる。平坦にいうと命令口調になる。命令口調を避けて「よろしくね」という気持ちで。


A) That's a nice pocket watch.
B) Thanks. It's pretty old.
A) But it's shiny spick and span.
B) I had it cleaned.

- Say It -
Let's get going ― on the double!
*" double " の b を「ちょっと伸ばす」と楽でよく通じます。


- Write It -


1. The boy must mop the kitchen floor spick and span and the girl has to fold the laundry nice and neat. It's for their mother's surprise birthday party.



・" more than " = 強調
・" arrange " = decide よりフレンドリー


NHKラジオ遠山顕の英会話楽習 2020年 01 月号 [雑誌]

NHKラジオ遠山顕の英会話楽習 2020年 01 月号 [雑誌]

  • 作者: 
  • 出版社/メーカー: NHK出版
  • 発売日: 2019/12/13
  • メディア: 雑誌