はるお - haruo



ラジオ英会話 「Do you have stuffed animals? 」2019年12月25日 Lesson178




Clerk)Hello, sir. May I help you?
Customer)Yes, thanks. I'm looking for Christmas presents for my two nieces.
Clerk)Do you have anything in mind?
Customer)Well, do you have stuffed animals?
Clerk)Yes, we have a wonderful selection. If you'd care to follow me, they're in the next aisle.
Customer)Thanks a lot. You must be very busy during the Christmas season.
Clerk)Yes, but I don't mind because I love to imagine the kids' smiles when they open their presents.


bowing = お辞儀
*understatement = 控えめな表現


- Check your grammar -
① would care to「care to → 希望する」
 If you'd care to follow me, they're in the next aisle.
 Would you care to join us?

② 積極的に文をつなぐ

 I don't mind because I love to imagine the kids' smiles when they open their presents.


*" addition " = 新人



- Build up your vocabulary -

Do you have stuffed animals?


*「単数」は特別。強く"1" が意識される時に使われる。母は一人,子供は沢山。


A mother will love her children.
・I am a student.
・We are students.
・Dogs have a tail / tails.


- Express yourself in English -
1) (文具店で)万年筆ありますか?
2) この人たちは天才だよ。
3) オスのテングザルは本当に大きな鼻を持っています。

1) Do you have fountain pens?
2) These guys are geniuses.
3) Male proboscis monkeys have really large noses.

 1) " full-bodied " = 非常に重く強い味を持っている
 3) " proboscis " = 長く突き出た感じ。象とか蝶。