はるお - haruo



遠山顕の英会話楽習 Dialog2「More than Enough」 2019年10月1

・「Town of Apples」
・「Learning words and expressions for socializing and cooking」


Dialog2「More than Enough」

 A) What's the best way to pick an apple?
 B) Twist the stem upward. If the apple comes off easily, it's ready to eat.
 A) Like this?
 B) There you go.
 A) There's a wormhole in this one.
 B) I'll save that for the birds.
 A) I have more than enough apples now. Can I help you pick some?
 B) Sure, if you like.


- Words & Expressions -
・more than enough 十二分で
・What's the best way to ~ 一番上手な~のやり方は何ですか?
・twist ~ upward ~を上の方へひねる
・stem (リンゴなどの)軸、枝と実を結ぶもの
・ready to eat 食べ頃で
・There you go.  それです/出来ましたね
・f you like  よろしければ
・wormhole 虫(食い)穴


- Apply It -
What's the best way to pick an apple?

*情報を求める表現。これを " What's a good way to " で尋ねると「A もよいし、B もよいし」と複数の答えが期待できる。それに対し「一押しの方法」を尋ねるときは the best way を使う。


A) Carolyn, can I ask you a question?
B) Sure. What is it?
A) What's the best way to learn English?
B) I'm glad you asked.

- Say It -
Can I help you pick some?
* " Can I" はリンクして「クナイ」や「ケナイ」のように省エネ。


- Write It -


Rinko tells Johnny the best way to pick an apple. Later he has more than enough apples and asks her if he can help her pick some. She says yes.

Rinko tells Johnny the best way to pick an apple. Later he has more than enough apples and asks her if he can help her pick some. She accepts his offer.



・" next door neighbor " = すぐ隣
・" arrange " = decide よりフレンドリー