はるお - haruo



ラジオ英会話 「今週のREVIEW」2019年4月5日 Lesson5

・ 今年度のテーマは、単語・英語表現のイメージ。日本語訳ではなく、イメージで単語を操作することで、英会話は飛躍する。


Q1: Where is Yuta supposed to meet Kayley?
Q2: What is Inogashira Park famous for?
Q3: What is supposed to be completed by 6 p.m.?
Q4: What did Naho do during the holidays?

A1 (b) Kichijoji station.
A2 (b) For its cherry blossoms.
A3 (c) An online survey.
A4 (a) had a part-time job.


- Practical Challenge -
あなたは上司に言われて、Mr.Stuart を迎えに行くったが見つけることができない。急いで上司に電話をかけて相談する。(例)「3時までに駅に着いてスチュアートさんをお待ちしているのですが、駅から出てくる人の中に見つけることがまだできません。どうすればいいでしょう」


- Simple Answer -
I got to the station by 3:00 and have been waiting for Mr Stuart, but I still can’t find him among all the passengers coming out of the station.
What can I do?

- Advanced Answer -
I intended to reach the station by the train’s arrival time of three o’clock, but unfortunately, I was ten minutes late.
During that time, Mr. Stuart seems to have disappeared as I haven’t been able to spot him among all the travelers.
What do you suggest I do now?