はるお - haruo



ラジオ英会話 「今週のREVIEW」2019年4月12日 Lesson10

・ 今年度のテーマは、単語・英語表現のイメージ。日本語訳ではなく、イメージで単語を操作することで、英会話は飛躍する。


Q1: What was the theme of Ken’s presentation?
Q2: What did the two people do last night?
Q3: What got spilled on Tony’s shirt?
Q4: Who will pay the bill?

A1 (a) Cats.
A2 (c) They went singing.
A3 (c) coffee
A4 (b) The woman.


- Practical Challenge -


- Simple Answer -
I heard about an excellent resort in the Philippines.
I think it’s fantastic to go there and just relax on the beach.
But I haven’t decided yet because there are so many attractive places all over the world.

- Advanced Answer -
We’re thinking about going to the Philippines for our summer vacation this year.
There are some amazing hotels with rooms looking over the turquoise sea.
We can spend each day just chilling on the famous white sand beaches.

*" think about " = 思いを巡らす
*" each day " = 来る日も来る日もという強調が感じられる
*" chill " = くつろぐ