はるお - haruo



ジオ英会話 「If you had asked me, I would have helped you」2019年2月11日 Lesson206

・ " 仮定法 "と " If " は、ネイティブの心理への理解が重要。仮定法は、可能性が著しく低いという話し手の心理を表す特別な時表現。


Lesson206:「if 節を使った仮定法:過去の状況について仮定法を使う」


 A) Hi, Taku. You look a little stressed out.
 B) Do I? Well, I’m confused at this email reply from my foreign client.
 A) Can I take a look? OK, this person seems to be upset with you.
 B) Can I see the original email you sent her?
 A) Yes, it’s below the reply.
 B) Oh, I see the problem. The original email you wrote is a little rude. If you had asked me, I would have helped you.
 A) I wrote it too quickly. Can I ask you to write the next email to her?
 B) Sure, Taku. Let’s talk about the details first, and then I’I write a draft.
 A) Thanks, Laura.

*" stressed out " = ストレスが溜まっている
*" be upset with 人 " = 人に腹を立てている


- Real grammar for communication -
If you had asked me, I would have helped you.

*過去の状況についての仮定法。過去に対する過程も、過去からさらに距離をとり過去完了形となる。「would have(だっただろうなあ)、could have(できただろうなあ)、might have(したかもしれないなあ)」


・If I had known you were coming, I would have made dinner for you.


- Grammar In Action -
1) もっとすばやく反応していたら、そのスリを捕まえることができたのに。
2) もっと賢く投資していたら、百万長者になっていただろうに!

1) If I had reacted more quickly, I would have caught the pickpocket.
2) If I had invested more wisely, I could have been a millionaire!

1)quickly = swiftly = rapidly


NHKラジオラジオ英会話 2019年 02 月号 [雑誌]

NHKラジオラジオ英会話 2019年 02 月号 [雑誌]