はるお - haruo



ジオ英会話 「If you had followed my advice, you wouldn’t be in such trouble now」2019年2月12日 Lesson207

・ " 仮定法 "と " If " は、ネイティブの心理への理解が重要。仮定法は、可能性が著しく低いという話し手の心理を表す特別な時表現。



 A) Hi, Dan. How did the entrance exam go?
 B) Don’t ask!
 A) That bad, huh?
 B) Yeah, it was a disaster. I’m sure I’ve failed miserably. My parents are going to be really angry with me.
 A) Ha ha! Why am I not surprised! If you had followed my advice, you wouldn’t be in such trouble now.
 B) I know. You gave me great advice on how to prepare for the exam, but I kept putting off studying, so in the end I barely did any preparation.
 A) Well, you’ll just have to study really hard and try for another university. I’ll help you if you like.
 B) That would be wonderful. Thanks a lot, Alice.


- Real grammar for communication -
If you had followed my advice, you wouldn’t be in such trouble now.

*if を使った仮定法の発展パターン。「(過去、事実に反して)もし~だったなら、(今頃)~だろうなぁ」という新しいパターン。


・If you had exercised more, you wouldn’t be overweight.
・If you had organized your schedule better, you could be relaxing on a beach in Bali now!


- Grammar In Action -
1) もし君がガールフレンドをもっとちゃんと扱っていたなら、彼女はまだ君とつきあっていただろうね。
2) もしお金を無駄遣いしていなかったら、今頃ぜいたくなアパートを所有できたのにね.

1) If you had treated your girlfriend better, she would still be with you now.
2) If you hadn’t wasted your money, you could own a luxury apartment by now.
1) " If you had taken better care of your girlfriend, " , " If you had treated your girlfriend right, " でもOK


NHKラジオラジオ英会話 2019年 02 月号 [雑誌]

NHKラジオラジオ英会話 2019年 02 月号 [雑誌]