はるお - haruo



ラジオ英会話 2018年 12月 復習 practical challenge

Lesson 165(一週目)
 パートナーが昇進した。あなたは、パートナーとお祝いにどこで食事をしようか考えてる。あなたが行きたいのは、先日 誕生日に二人で行ったイタリアンレストラン。味は忘れられないほど素晴らしくサービスも最上級。それまでそんな素晴らしいレストランに行ったことがなかったからである。そこで、あなたの希望を熱く語って下さい。

- Simple Answer -
Can’t we go back to that Italian restaurant we went to for my birthday?
The taste was unforgettable, and the service was top quality.
Never had I been to such a great restaurant in my life!

- Advanced Answer -
Why don’t we return to the same Italian restaurant you chose for my birthday?
Wow, was I happy with that choice! The food was amazing!
Never had I eaten such a delicious pizza! So, what do you think?



Lesson 170(二週目)

「素晴らしい天気だね。ところで、来週の月曜日は結婚記念日だったよね? プレゼントを交換するアイディアは良いとは思わない? 何が欲しい?」と言う。

- Simple Answer -
It’s a beautiful day, isn’t it?
By the way, our wedding anniversary is next Monday, right?
It might be a good idea to exchange presents, don’t you think? What would you like?

- Advanced Answer -
What a lovely day it is today! It’s our wedding anniversary next Monday. You do remember, don’t you?
So, I thought it would be fun to exchange presents. We’ve never done that before, right?
What should be the limit on each present?$ 10?

*" It might be a good idea to " = 控えめな提案。押しつけがましくないニュアンス。
*" You do remember " = doで強調してる「覚えてるよね~」



Lesson 175(三週目)


- Simple Answer -
Oh, did you? What made you quit?
I think you need to find another job to have enough money to live on.
What kind of job do you want?

- Advanced Answer -
Really? What on earth made you quit such a good job? What can you tell me was the motivation behind your decision? Whatever it was, the fact is that you need to find another job in order to survive. So what kind of job might interest you?

*" Oh, did you? " = 相槌に便利な表現。相手の発言に対し”ポンッ”と飛びつく反応の良さがある。
*" Why did you quit? " = “ なんで辞めたの!? " と否定的なニュアンスが生まれる余地がある。" What made you quit? " だと、この感じを避けることができる。
*" Really? " = 深刻な状況でも、軽い受けでも使える便利な表現。



Lesson 180(四週目)
 あなたの弟が母親をひどい言葉で罵ります。あなたは急いで、弟をあなたの部屋に連れてきて、たしなめます。「そんなこと言うなんて信じられない。お母さんにそんな口の利き方をするなんて、あなたは何様なの? 誰があなたの面倒を毎日見ていると思ってるの? 今すぐ、誤りに行ったら?」


- Simple Answer -
I can’t believe you said that. Who are you to talk to Mom like that?
Think about it. Who do you think takes care of you every day?
Why don’t you apologize to her right now?

- Advanced Answer -
Hey, how dare you insult Mom like that! Who the heck do you think you are? Why don’t you learn to control yourself? Go and apologize to her right away. Just do it!

* " how dare +主語+動詞" =「よくも〜できるものだ
* " insult " =「侮辱する
* " the heck" = the hell の婉曲表現で「一体全体」。
* " control oneself " =「自制する
* " Just do it " =「とにかくやれ