はるお - haruo



ラジオ英会話 「今週のREVIEW」2019年11月22 Lesson155



Q1: What does the woman find attractive about the band?
Q2: What was obvious?
Q3: What does Goro think of the new recruit?
Q4: Which of the following is true?

A1 (c) The singer.
A2 (a) The man is a fan of the band.
A3 (c) That she has added a lot of quality to their team.
A4 (c) The man has experienced cultural differences.


- Practical Challenge -


- Simple Answer -
There is something mysterious about this case.
It’s obvious that Goemon did it because the fingerprints left at the jewelry shop are identical to his.
But the problem is that he’s been dead for a long time. What do you think?

*" not anymore " = もはや~ない

- Advanced Answer -
Well, we have no clear leads to this rather mysterious case.
It appears evident that Goemon committed the robbery, since fingerprints identical to his were found at the jewelry store.
However, he died many years ago. That’s a mystery!

*" rather " = かなり