はるお - haruo



ラジオ英会話 「The point I was trying to make is that we can't wait」2020年2月27日 Lesson219



Lesson219「便利な定型表現:正確に理解する② 相手の理解を万全にする」

Harry)I was impressed by the speech you gave at the English speech contest last week.
Honoka)Thank you. I was a little nervous, though.
Harry)I think you did a great job.
Honoka)I spoke with passion in order to get people's attention.
Harry)You certainly did. I liked the way you stressed the urgency of the climate change problem.
Honoka)The point I was trying to make is that we can't wait. The time to act is now.


*my best days are behind me = 最良の時期は過ぎた
*chict = 上品ですてきな


- Check your grammar -
① 関係代名詞修飾「語順が違う」
 I was impressed by the speech you gave at the English speech contest last week.

② in order to は「目的」

 I spoke with passion in order to get people's attention.


*" addition " = 新人


- Build up your vocabulary -

The point I was trying to make is that we can't wait.

* 相手の理解を万全なモノにする効果的な方法 = 論点を明確にまとめて、相手に手渡す。
* " that " = 説明内容を丁寧に伝える。
* " In a nutshell " = 木の実の殻は小さい = 要するに


・Let me make myself perfectly clear.

・In short, we have to start from scratch.
・In a nutshell, he's a jerk!



- Express yourself in English -
1) 私のお伝えしたいことを完全に明らかにさせてください。私は人生で何も違法なことをしたことがありません。
2) 手短に言うと、わが社は健全な状態だということです。

1) Let me make myself perfectly clear. I have never done anything illegal in my life.
2) In short, our company is in good shape.

 1) " be ready for " = ~の準備ができて
 3) " in good shape " = 快調で・よい状態で