はるお - haruo



ラジオ英会話 「Accidents will happen」2019年1月23日 Lesson194




Fiona)Be careful taking that deep-dish pizza out of the oven, Jack.
Jack)Oh no! I've dropped it! What are we going to do?
Fiona)Don't panic. Accidents will happen. I'll make another one right away.
Jack)But these pizzas take around 30 minutes to bake. Do you think the customer will wait that long?
Fiona)I'll talk to him and offer him a drink. Next time, be more careful.
Jack)I'm sorry, Fiona. I won't make that mistake again.


*deep-dish = 深皿で焼いたピザ 
*I'm listening = 静かな圧力がある


- Check your grammar -
① be going to「流れの中,出来事がすでに進んでいる」
 What are we going to do?
 It's going to rain soon.

② right away「すぐに動く感じ」

 I'll make another one right away.


*" addition " = 新人



- Build up your vocabulary -

Accidents will happen.

*この " will " は「~するものだ」と「法則」を表す。
*" will " のイメージは「見通す」→「これからを見通し実現」→「意志」。
*" will " のイメージは「見通す」→「これからを鮮明に見通す」→「予測」。
*" will " →「見通す」→「法則」


・I'll make another one right away.
・You'd better take an umbrella because it will rain later.
・My grandmother will tell the same stories a hundred times!
・My elementary school teachers would often tell me to keep quiet.

- Express yourself in English -
1) 僕の弟は口を閉じていなくちゃいけないときに、口を開くんだよなぁ。
2) 君のワークショップは、大きな成功を収めると確信しています。
3) 値段がどうあれ、私はそれを買うよ。

1) My brother will open his mouth when he should keep it shut!
2) I'm sure your workshop will be a great success.
3) I'll buy it whatever the price. 

 1) " workshop " = 皆で共同し、ディスカッションする感じ
 3) " chilly " = 肌寒い